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  • JmCalloway0
    I just joined back and im so confused. I can't name or breed. Can you help? Is there an original version somewhere??
    March 2019 Comment
  • CatrinaMcKnight
    Hiya, just wondering lots have probably asked but is there any way we can go back to the old verison?
    October 2016 Comment
  • FlyTM
    Hiya, Alabama, Im on my phone nd cant work out how to reply to tickets from my email, I have no idea when the dog was bred.
    January 2016 Comment
    • Alabama
      Ugh, cannot wait until Ari can give the forums some attention. It's stopped notifying me when I have a private message. Ari's closed the ticket, but I'll put on there that you weren't sure when it was bred. All neutered dogs migrated as female as there was no way to differentiate them in the coding. That's why we were concerned that it was a recent breeding, after the migration.
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  • MartyMcflysky
    hi alabama,
    i don't know if i'm just getting old, but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to PM you. i still haven't found the kennel search where you told me to look under dogs (i was imagining a query box where we could type in partial kennel names and get results), so i can't find your kennel either.

    i put in a support ticket a few weeks ago for CowGirlSayYes . the ticket is under my email address, but the actual message has her contact information. she's been trying to log in since october and is unable to. i was just checking up on that, i know you guys are probably slammed. if you could message her back at her email address maybe? thanks!
    November 2015 Comment
  • NitroxNova
    Hey Alabama, I sent you a message in game but I'm not sure if you got it
    I would like my Forum and Kennel name to be changed from Syllabus to NitroxNova, please and thank you :)
    Also just letting yall know I have pairs of a couple different 10x5's that I would be happy to use for testing, please just let me know when. I would really like to help get this resolved.
    August 2015 Comment
    • Alabama
      I did get the e-mail and created a ticket, so should see the change in the next day or so and I'll add you to the list for testing.
    • MartyMcflysky
      ok, thanks! school is out all next week, so i should def be more active then at the very least.
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  • Nacie
    I seem to be missing quite a few dogs that I rescued. Were they taken out of my kennel and given back to players?
    July 2015 Comment
    • Alabama
      I saw your ticket earlier today, but I'm not sure so didn't answer it. I did link him to your previous ticket about the Abandoned Dogs kennel. I think if some of them belonged to Meeko, those were returned to her when Ari migrated her stuff again, but I don't know about any others. So I'm waiting on Ari's answer as well.
    • Nacie
      Thank you for letting me know as this has really been bothering me. I do agree that she should get her dogs back if what she said on the forum is what actually happened but I also think I should be offered some compensation too due to many, many hours I spent rescuing dogs. And it should not have been done without contacting me first - that was just wrong.
      We are talking mostly 1 and 2 OAKs - a rough estimate of missing dogs is well over 500. And it seems we are not only talking about Meeko. Other dogs I rescued are in another players kennels - here is one link but that is only one - there are many more:

      Dog: Kaname Kuran
      Owned by: silly goose
      Held in: Dream Chaser Kennel
      May 20, 2015 - 15:16:29 Dog now belongs to Nacie.
    • Nacie
      I have not heard anything at all and see nothing on the ticket. Have you had any contact with Ari?
    • Alabama
      I hate this forum, didn't tell me you'd responded. I completely understand desiring some compensation, rescuing isn't easy, especially on the new game. He hasn't responded to any tickets since the 7th. I expect he'll be around this evening and/or tomorrow. If he doesn't come around or if he doesn't answer your ticket, I'll send him an e-mail.
    • Nacie
      Thanks for the help.
    • Nacie
      Wanted to say thank you again for keeping me updated. Ari has now offered me $25 which is a huge insult but nothing I can do.
    • Alabama
      I'm glad to help and I'm sorry. I've been keeping an eye on the ticket and saw your response. Maybe he'll have second thoughts if you put in what you think would be a decent compensation. I know you were working towards a lifetime and I doubt he'd do that, but he might let you save the credit until you can get the remainder. He's been talking about going to a token type payment where players would use tokens to upgrade and such in the future, which would make it easier to earn upgrades and such since you could sell dogs for tokens instead of VPC. Do you have any idea how much vpc the dogs would have brought? We could try and work out how much of an upgrade that would have resulted in.
    • Nacie
      I have no idea with this new VP. Before, I would have sold them for 4 - 10 mil each for the 1 OAKs. Honestly I don't even know if I could find someone to buy the dogs or upgrade a kennel the way this VP is going. Have you seen any upgrades lately? This VP is pretty dead - don't even know how it stays online.
    • Alabama
      People are still upgrading, there's been a couple hiccups that I've seen tickets about with people having problems upgrading and/or with automatic upgrades not happening, but I've not seen any activity selling for upgrades for game stuff in months, so I have no clue what they might be going for now. Most of the upgrades must be for real money. The last deal I MMed was a 6 month for 75 mil in March. In January, I MMed a sale of 57 imports for 8 mil. July of last year, I MMed the sale of a kennel with a month left and 4 changes for 12 mil. Those are the only sales deals I MMed in the past year and I don't know if those were average, above average or below average prices.

      If we average a 1 OAK going for 7 mil, that's be 10 for a 6 month in Jan equal to $16. That's if you could sell them for that much. To try and be fair, I'd say a 1 OAK would sell for about half that now, if you could get interest.

      Ari's been carrying VP since the beginning. The game wasn't paying for itself when it sold. I don't know why they even bought VP except they thought they could improve it. The reason Nef sold it was because it was costing her too much money and she didn't have time to do improvements. Personally, I don't think she knew how. I think Ari thought that he'd have more time and more tech savvy than Nef and could do the improvements easily, then when he got into the code, realized what a mess it was and it wasn't going to be easy, but he doesn't want to give up and just shut VP down. Luckily, he must have a pretty good job and can afford to keep it going plus pay for programmers from time to time.
    • Nacie
      That is pretty much what I figured - about Ari carrying the game. Who knows, maybe it will pick up? Don't know. But I do know that I am tired. I have gone through so many emotions since all this began that now I have just pulled back. Not ready to let go yet but not putting time into it like I used to either. And there are still major issues with searching for dogs. So that means I can't do a search for a certain color and find the true OAK. That means I can't really sell dogs till it is fixed. So I will just take the $25 and chalk it up to another thing wrong with VP.
    • Alabama
      I know and if he can ever take care of the big things that keep coming up, I know some of the other stuff, like more search parameters would be a quick code. Just about the time he seems to get the urgent things sorted, like people not able to get in the game, upgrades, etc, so he can start on the features that are making gameplay a pain in the backside, another batch pops up. He only has about half a dozen "urgent" tickets right now and half of those are the same problem, 400 errors, so I've got my fingers crossed that he can move on to the less important, but still really needed, like search parameters and training skills issues. Hopefully by next weekend. But then, I've thought that for about a month now.
    • Nacie
    • Nacie
      Ari is sticking to his $25 - he chalked it up to people not testing the Beta enough and left it at that. Ticket closed.
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