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Reminiscing the old days....

I went by Shepherd. Midnight Moon Kennels. I was a trainer. I just came back on here, I'm almost a skeleton I feel like. It's been gosh, 8 years maybe since I've really played. It's almost sad for me coming back here, VP had such a huge chunk of my life that it's sad reminiscing about how virtualpups used to look, how active it was & how many friends I had made and how such a big part of my life is just so different its foreign. I will never forget the old days.



  • Wishing they would just change it back to how it used to be.. old layout was more friendly to new players.. heck even easier for old timers.  Maybe (wishful thinking), they will revert to the old VP..
  • Yeah this new mobile looking layout confuses me I've been playing vp on and off for years since about 2007 it saddens me to see it in such a statemporary  (more so when I think of all the enjoyment i got out of it and money in put into it¥
    And i belive that half the time i am a wolf amoung the sheep gnawing at the wool over my eyes
  • I also miss the old VP like crazy. I've recently started playing again but it's just not the same. As much as I try to get in the hang of things and get use to the new version I just can't. I'd love to see a return to the old but I don't think that'll ever happen :(
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