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Well Hello There!

Hey everybody, I had an account here a loooooooong time ago, it must have been 4 or 5 years back, and I decided to sign up again.  The website has changed so much since then, seriously, it's much nicer now.  The forums here look kinda dead, but hopefully there are a few regular players left to connect with. Anyway, message me, comment here, say hello, lets be friends.  :)


  • I replied to another thread you posted on but will say hello here too. A lot has changed with VP, as you can see there's a new version of the game. A lot of older players dislike the new version, I'm not a huge fan myself, and have stopped playing. This version still seems to have some bugs so if you find something that doesn't seem right please send in a bug report. You can also send in feature requests if you have an idea for something. I'm hoping to help make VP better by playing and sending in reports.

    It's nice to meet you and while I'm  not on all that much right now feel free to msg me :)

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