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Training Related

Hi, I have a question for older players or mods,

In the old version did super groom rise the discipline level x6? Because in this version the discipline in groom(single use) rises by ~0.900 every use but when using Super groom (x6) discipline rises only by 0.900 while the other stats rise at the x6 rate...

Anyone got a clue.


  • I've noticed it but I thought that was how it was supposed to be for some reason. I never really thought about why it was normal or put a lot of thought into my assumption though. I mainly only use special groom when I'm trying to get stats finished up quickly and my dogs already have 100 in disc. I don't remember how it used to be w/ special groom. I'd try and double check :) 
  • Sent in a bug report about something else that was wrong with the skills part in training but i might send in this bug if I can document it in screenshots. I messaged Bama to see if she has some type of training guide because I also noticed some issues in how much certain actions take energy. for exemple Object Id takes 3 energy per action click but sometimes it glitches and only takes 2 per action....

    I think players will need to test training consistency before we test breeding.
  • Training is werid for me, you used to only be albe to super groom once endy was at 120+ but now you can do it lower I believe, due to the energy bar not dropping much, I can do like 4-5 RH when you use to only be able to do 1-3 depending on dogs energy/endy
    656 Gifties
  • Yeah that is a change for sure. I've only trained 10x5 dogs so far so I can't comment on seeing that result with the Rh or Super groom but it is something to get used to the new training.
  • I've been training pretty frequently. The main issue aside from special groom not upping discipline is aggro not being decreased. I've rescued two australian sheps to test, both under 100 in aggro and w/ FP aggro goes down at a rate of -.2 and some change. But with any of my dogs I've trained over 100 they only decrease at a rate of -.02 and some and some change. Over 130 in aggro and the stat only decreases at a rate of -.009 or less. I sent in a bug report. It's nice when trying to breed up to 10x5 but then the breeding bugs start to play into effect. 

    I've noticed with my imports the energy bar seems to drop much faster, but as the stars or stats increase over breeding the energy bar goes down at a slower rate with any train.

    Also, I can use special groom at any time for any dog. There are no specifications that I can see at the moment. I've gone through about 20-30 dogs just to see some differences but I intend to keep seeing how things pan out. 
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