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virtual pups and life

edited March 2015 in Vent
I guess this isn't really a vent ... more like my own personal monologue... haha.<br><br>I found vp right when I was finally realizing life wasn't all that easy all the time... and vp made me happy. It was my distraction when I didn't know how to handle life or when I just wanted to get away. I'd log onto my computer and I'd disappear into training and competing... and then one day I found the forums and I found role playing and writing and I fell in love.. More than anything I made some amazing friends. For three years I have been very off and on trying to get back in the game... Life is crazy... and's hard and right now it is pretty sad... but I've learned alot from the people I met when I was younger on vp and now I can apply it to my life now and hold my head high even when the world feels like it's crumbling. I guess this sounds depressing and I don't mean for it too.... I just feel like I should say thanks for how much those friends (who probably don't even play this game anymore) helped me....I even made a friend on here who I talk to every few days personally and she is pretty awesome... I never expected to this silly game to be something to me. Although I don't play it nearly as much as I use to, virtual pups will always have a place in my heart. I love you all!!<br><br>And to all those who might feel a little lost in life... remember to smile because it helps even if it sounds stupid. <br><br>-Kiwi
SmiLe :)



  • Same! When I started VP life was crazy (still is) but it has been a way where I can escape reality and have fun doing things like eventing and training and talking to friends on VP! VP is so awesome and I am forever grateful to have found it! :)
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">I don't think it sounds silly at all. VP has been my escape for many years and even though it has slowed way down I still love it and still come here to escape into my own little world.</span></span>
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