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Winter Weather!

edited March 2015 in Vent
<span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">So about 2 weeks ago we had a snow storm sweep through. It bestowed upon us 12-18 inches of snow and very cold temps. We were under a state of emergency for several days and the snow just kept coming. With the low temps it didn't melt away either. Well this week the snow finally melted away as we got a lot of heavy rain and warmer weather. Then the temps dropped and we received 10+ inches of snow and are yet again under a state of emergency. Ugh I'm so ready for spring! We really can't afford to keep missing work days, plus being stuck in the house and not being able to get out safely really bites! >__< </span></span>


  • I feel your pain. We've not received that much snow being this far south, but we've been experiencing our version of winter weather. For the past three weeks, we've been told to stay off the roads for at least 2 days each week because of freezing rain and sleet.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I am also to for South for snow at this time of year but we have been 'teased' quite a bit with lovely Spring and then it has been taken away again. We are now in March and this morning it is about 35 or so!
  • <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">It was between negative 2-6 this morning! When we got the first batch of nasty weather a couple of weeks ago it got to negative 17! Prior to this our winter was mild. We had some flurries here and there but nothing major. But now with spring around the corner we're getting pummeled it seems. Bring on the nicer weather!</span></span>
  • Oh my gosh I could not take that - I would be bundled up and inside all the time.
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">We've been staying away from the house with this going on as we live in a rural area and would be trapped at the house otherwise. Sadly with the first snow storm I lost 99% of the fish in my largest aquarium and also lost my tiger salamander. It just got too cold in our house as we don't have central heat or air. I plan to go back home today after this last bout and hope I didn't loose any of the fish in my other tanks. </span></span>
  • Oh those poor fish! I could not imagine no Heat or A/C although I could live without A/C before heat - I get cold very easy.
  • <span style="color:#400080"><span style="font-style:italic">It's not fun for sure! We heat and cool one room and pretty much live in that one room only venturing out to use the kitchen or rest room. We do heat the bathroom but only if we're going to be in there lol. We can't afford to really heat or cool the whole house. I'll be glad when we're able to move and live like normal people! <br><br>We just got home last night and I only lost one fish. The bad thing is we're going to have to pack up and leave again! The snow is gone but now we're in for a lot of rain. We have a creek in front of the house that we have to drive through and it floods. The bridge we had running across was washed out last year so now we have to stay somewhere so that my boyfriend can go to work and we're not trapped at the house. I hate living where I do...</span></span>
  • That all sounds like fun to me. 0_0 Probably because I love any excuse not to be home..<br>Although I'm really sorry for your losses; freezing to death is a crap way to go. :(<br>I can't empathize with those who live in the colder areas, as I've always stayed where it's warm... despite winters. <br>The temperature outside right now: 65 degrees. And that feels just about perfect to me.<br>Earlier today it was around 77 and everyone was complaining about the unbearable heat. xP<br><br>I salute you winter-weather soldiers in battle right now. :p
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#400080">Well the winter weather has departed but now we've been getting a lot of rain. Which presents me with flooding issues so I've still not been able to go back home. I'm hoping to soon. Though I hate my house it's still home and I miss being in my own house and in my own bed lol.</span></span>
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