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edited February 2015 in Game Suggestions
Leased dogs should not be able to be rescued as long as the kennel they are contracted from logs in within the 6 month time frame.


  • I do not agree with this. It is the owner's responsibility to reclaim their dog before the other kennel comes up for rescue. Example: if you lease a dog to someone and forget about it, then the other person does not log in for six months; then actually that dog has been abandoned by both people involved and it can and should be rescued. Make sense?
  • Nacie wrote:
    I do not agree with this. It is the owner's responsibility to reclaim their dog before the other kennel comes up for rescue. Example: if you lease a dog to someone and forget about it, then the other person does not log in for six months; then actually that dog has been abandoned by both people involved and it can and should be rescued. Make sense?
    <br><br>I see that. But I often lease dogs to other kennels (which I dont log into) for organizational purposes. So they often sit for a bit while I am working on a project. <br>Maybe change it to they can't be rescued if the two kennels are linked?
  • The only problem I see with this is the possibility that people will take advantage of it. I mean, logically, if somebody was quitting that should mean that they no longer hold an interest in the game and they will not be returning, so it's okay if their dogs are rescued. However, if they even have the slightest feeling that they may come back at some point (beyond 6 months), or they're just feeling sentimental, they could lease their dogs to another kennel of theirs and never lose them.
  • I think that if a person wants to hang on to their dogs for whatever reason then they should be able to find the time within six months to log on at least once. I know rl is busy and everyone has priorities but one time every five or six months is not much. In rl the dogs would be long dead after being left that long.
  • Nacie wrote:
    I do not agree with this. It is the owner's responsibility to reclaim their dog before the other kennel comes up for rescue. Example: if you lease a dog to someone and forget about it, then the other person does not log in for six months; then actually that dog has been abandoned by both people involved and it can and should be rescued. Make sense?
    <br><br>I see that. But I often lease dogs to other kennels (which I dont log into) for organizational purposes. So they often sit for a bit while I am working on a project. <br>Maybe change it to they can't be rescued if the two kennels are linked?
    <br><br><span style="color:#400080">I agree with Nacie that leased dogs should be considered abandoned like any other dog in this scenario. Although I see the issue where it comes up if you have extra kennels you use for organization. If you don't think about the auxiliary kennels you may very easily forget to log into them, even if you are an active player. It's hard enough keeping track of 5+ sponsors lol then to have to remember multiple other accounts that you never 'really' use. But that issue should be resolved whenever Beta goes live right 8)</span>
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • bryson wrote:
    <br><span style="color:#400080">I agree with Nacie that leased dogs should be considered abandoned like any other dog in this scenario. Although I see the issue where it comes up if you have extra kennels you use for organization. If you don't think about the auxiliary kennels you may very easily forget to log into them, even if you are an active player. It's hard enough keeping track of 5+ sponsors lol then to have to remember multiple other accounts that you never 'really' use. But that issue should be resolved whenever Beta goes live right 8)</span>
    <br><br>I totally forgot about Beta, that's very true!
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