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Patience is a Virtue

edited September 2014 in Vent
so today I'm supposed to be going to pick up my Sugar Glider. I'm getting one of the two males the lady is selling. I've been waiting two months to finally have the cage and money to go get him. She has a 2 month old Joey and a 2 year old Joey. I have 10 hours til I am able to finally meet my new buddy! and the suspense is killing me! Hopefully she has the 2 month old still (2 days ago when I told her I would be ready to get one she said she had placed him on the site), but even if she doesn't I'm fine with the 2 year old.<br>I'm just so eager! plus the fact I've been counting down for two days isn't helping lol. I'd love to take a nap until I am able to get him, but I can't -.- I've even been wasting time on VP but time seems like it isnt even moving :[


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