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Peach Tree's Mascot and Reason for Playing: PEACH!

<img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>This beautiful girl is my baby Princess Peach! She is a 8 month old Lab, Pit, German Shepherd, and Unknown Dad Mutt! She's mine and my Girlfriend's love child. She was born the week of December 2nd, which is my Daughter's birthday. We have had her since she was 8 weeks old, but picked her out and have been messing with her since she was born. She's one of a kind definitely! She's a strong dog with a pretty cool background story. When Peach was 2 months old, me and my girlfriend were visiting her uncle and aunt. We took Peach with us because that's where her brother and sisters were. We were chilling in her cousins car in the pasture next door when her uncle went to pull his truck in the garage. It was only a matter of seconds and feet before we heard Peach screaming at the top of her lungs and running away from the truck. Her foot had been crushed by the truck and she had managed to pull her foot loose and get away. When I had managed to grabbed her, the damage done looked really bad. I assumed her leg was broken and there would be no way to save the leg. We didn't have the money to take her to the vet to get it amputated. I cleaned her foot with Antibiotics and wrapped it in a cloth to stop the bleeding. With as much blood as she lost, we honestly didn't think she would make it. After we got her home, we tried to make her as comfy as possible. I honestly thought I was gonna lose her. After a couple days of wrapping it in gauze and cleaning it out, I finally got a good look at it. The truck had only crushed two of her toes, the two middle ones, and her leg wasn't broken. The fur and skin had been dislocated when she was pulling her leg loose from underneath the truck. After a couple weeks of constant watch, cleaning, and bandage changing, her foot started healing. However, she had eaten the dead bones and flesh on her foot, leaving her paw with only two toes. She has no feeling in her foot, but all feeling in her leg. <br>I'm glad to say 5 months later, the dog I thought wouldn't make it that night, is grown and fully capable of running around. She walks on her foot and leg and the only time she picks it up to hop is when she is running. She doesn't let it stop her no matter what she is doing. She even follows us when we walk around the neighborhood. My dog surely is on the best dogs there is and now I know if she gets hurt again, NOTHING is gonna keep her from warming my heart!
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