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edited June 2014 in Vent
do you ever just look at old things you wrote on social networking websites/even on here and sigh and want to like disappear or formally apologize to anyone who put up with you during that time? because that's TOTALLY how i'm feeling right now lmao I'm so embarrassed. i'm so sorry that I was so annoying... i can't believe i had friends! :oops: like i was just looking through old posts I had written on here and I can't believe I acted like that. I'm so so so sorry you guys lol


  • I tend not to look back at old posts or messages, cause I feel like it would annoy me to much. I remember that I used to text speak in every message I sent... how did people not get annoyed at me? <br><br>But I do look back at old photo manips and layouts that I have done for other people and go... WHY! and then think about how those people bought those things off me... that's embarrassing... cause I looked at some the other day and was like "what was I thinking?" <br><br>So I definitely feel your embarrassment, I wish I could apologize to all the people who I made REALLY terrible layouts and graphics for...
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • I can relate. The forums taught me the concept of grammar. :p I honestly feel like I would have been so stupid without this place.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Oh jeez. I'm lucky enough to have joined this forum AFTER my annoying phase, but looking back at old websites I used to go on and stuff? It's downright painful. I wish I could take it all back or message all these people like "hey guess what, I'm not a psycho anymore" :lol: Same goes for real life, though!<br><br>Or like what Tiger was saying about old manips and layouts and such... I feel that way about my art, it was so so SO bad, I like to pretend it never happened. I mean, a lot of people here have gotten to see how much better I've gotten just in the past year... can you even bear to imagine what it looked like seven years ago?<br><br>I try to tell myself that stuff doesn't matter anymore, but aaack :shock:
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