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Work Hard, Play Hard!

I have started a club open to all working/sporting dogs! Visit the <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Club Page</a> for more information and please join!<br><br>I will be running events daily on a rotating schedule, so dogs in all event types get an equal chance to compete! (I am not as strict about running events as soon as they're ready right now. Events will run more regularly once they start getting full every day.) Once the club gets enough members, I will make half of the events club-only. The other half of events will always be open to the public and have lower entry fees!<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Event Schedule:</span><br>Day 1: Agility, Assistance Trial, Canine Disc, Cattle Herding<br>Day 2: Dock Jumping, Field Retrieve, Flyball, Herding<br>Day 3: Hunting, Mushing, Racing, Schutzhund<br>Day 4: Search & Rescue, Tracking, Weight Pulling, (Members' Choice) <br><br>When the club gets enough members, I'll start running club competitions (details found on club page). All club members will receive vpc prizes for participation in club competitions!<br><br><span style="font-size:85">Also, BBB Eventing services coming soon! Visit my <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Showing Kennel</a> to check out the services and prices. All club members will receive discounted pricing!</span>
BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*


  • Thank you SO MUCH to everybody that has been joining! As soon as I get a few more I'll be able to run club-only events, and soon I'll be setting up some competitions! :mrgreen:
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • I am very happy to have applied my dogs. I would love to be part of a club that stays active!
  • :arrow:
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • If we can get ONE MORE player to join their dogs I'll be able to run club-only events and start setting up competitions with great prizes!!! :mrgreen:
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • I'm very proud to say, <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Work Hard, Play Hard!</a> has enough members that we <span style="font-weight:bold">should</span> be able to decently fill our events 8) ...let's see! If we can start filling the events up regularly I can run them more regularly. And then soon I'll start setting up competitions! <span style="color:#BF00BF">We will always be accepting new members!!!</span> Please join! The more players that join the more events and competitions we can run and the more fun we can have! (Not to mention, more vpc and other prizes to be won :P )<br><br>About our future cometitions:<br>- they will be club-only, so I won't even think about creating a competition until I know there will be entries in all events<br>- members are allowed up to 8 dogs, so make sure you apply all your event dogs to the club!<br>- <span style="font-style:italic">all</span> participating members must enter dogs at least two go ahead and get your event teams ready :-)<br>- there will be a working section and a sporting section of the competition; you don't have to participate in both<br><span style="color:#00BF00">- each club member (dog, not player!) that participates will receive a vpc prize! more participating dogs = more vpc for you!</span> :mrgreen: <br><br>I'll explain entry requirements, scoring, and other details later. Hopefully we'll have our first competition soon! Thank you everyone that has joined the club! 8)
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • I would like to start having club competitions! We don't yet have enough members to to have a full working/sporting competition with all event types. But from the information I've gathered we should have enough participants for a "mini-competition" :mrgreen: <br><br>The majority of WHPH members have primarily working dogs, specializing in herding, mushing, weight pulling, and cattle herding. I'd love to know exactly how many dogs I could have in these events! I'm going to pick one event type (if there are enough dogs to at least mostly fill the events) and run 8 events.<br><br>Let's say herding is most popular: I'll post 8 club-only herding events, and leave them up for a few days to fill up. Then I'll run them and the dogs with the most points will win prizes! Points will be earned by placing 5th or higher in an event. Hopefully I'll get some interest in this mini-competition and our club can become more and more active! 8) <br><br>Please post here or PM me, letting me know which event you would participate in and how many dogs you have for each event type! For example, I would participate in herding and mushing; I have 3 herding dogs and 4 mushing dogs.
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • I've gor four herding
  • <span style="color:#400080">Just wanted to let you know I've applied 4 of my dogs. May apply more at a later date! </span>
  • Thanks Cowgirl I've made a note :-)<br><br>Awesome Para! Thanks for joining our club :mrgreen: Are there particular events that you prefer to enter? (You can PM me)
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • :arrow:
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
  • There will be a pause in the event rotation, as I haven't been feeling well these past few days. I'll pick up where I left off as soon as I come back!
    BBB Kennels: *~* Training *~* Breeding *~* Sales *~* Showing *~* Boarding *~*
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