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Boarding/dogs for sale

edited August 2012 in Game Suggestions
I think if a dog is for sale it should be able to be in boarding also like I'm a trainer I have dogs for sale in my kennel and every turn costs money that's why I board my other dogs but my dogs that are for sale cant be in boarding and it's like 500$ a turn so I think it'd be helpfull if dogs could be boarded while there for sale.

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  • If you have a sponsor, why not create a "sale" kennel and put all dogs for sale in there? <br><br>If a dog is being boarded, the only person who can remove it is the owner. There's a fee that is removed from playcash when a dog is removed. The previous owner owes that fee, but once a sale were to happen, the new owner would incur the fee. Not much fun to buy a dog for 2K then turn around and have to pay another 1500 to take it out of boarding. If the fee were to come out of the previous owner's pocket, players would be wondering why in the world their playcash dropped by thousands over night.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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