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Mouseless Grooming on Google Chrome *Images*

edited July 2012 in Tips & Tricks
I have noticed that all of the mouseless training guides are for Internet Explore, but I (and possibly you) use Google Chrome. Today I figured out how to adapt some of their techniques into a usable technique for Google Chrome. So here we go!!<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Button Guide:</span><br>Fn- Fn button<br>Tab- Tab button<br>Ctrl- Ctrl button<br>F5- F5 button<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">How to Navigate:</span><br>Ctrl/Tab- Moves to next tab<br>Fn/F5- Refreshes<br>**Note: You WILL have to press Ctrl/Tab 2x's to get from groom to take turn if you set the tabs like mine<br><br><img src=" Shots/ThreeTabSystem.png&quot; alt=" Shots/ThreeTabSystem.png&quot; class="bb-image" /><br>*Step 1: Open your three normal tabs (Take Turn/Groom/RH or FP (depending on the owner's wishes); I do the tabs in the order listed, but you can do it in your order<br><br><img src=" Shots/TakeFirstTurnByHand.png&quot; alt=" Shots/TakeFirstTurnByHand.png&quot; class="bb-image" /><br>*Step 2: You will have to take your first turn and groom and play for your first time by hand<br><br><img src=" Shots/TakeFirstTurnWithOutMouse.png&quot; alt=" Shots/TakeFirstTurnWithOutMouse.png&quot; class="bb-image" /><br>*Step 3: Go to your take turn tab(Ctrl/Tab) and refresh(Fn/F5)<br><br><img src=" Shots/GroomingSteps.png&quot; alt=" Shots/GroomingSteps.png&quot; class="bb-image" /><br>*Step 4: Go to your groom (Ctrl/Tab) and refresh(Fn/F5) *until the energy bar is at the mark you need to stop*<br><br><img src=" Shots/RHorFPByMouse.png&quot; alt=" Shots/RHorFPByMouse.png&quot; class="bb-image" /><br>*Step 5: When your dog's mood bar is gone low go to your RH/FP tab and refresh(Fn/F5) *until the energy bar is at the mark you need to stop*<br><br>*Step 6: Repeat
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