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Tigers Friends....

edited August 2012 in Praise for the Game
First off a BIG thanks to all my friends, for being well my friends. In No specific order<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mel </span><br>We met through you wanting a partner and well your a pretty awesome person and I enjoy talking to you everyday (or almost everyday). You make it pretty fun. You always ask me how my line is doing, which as you know is being a pain in the bum with the stats<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Priss</span><br>Well what can I say? I met you cause you sold me some imports at a ridiculously high price cause I didn't want to wait until the auction was over so just BINNED lol. You are always a joy to talk to although I feel like I'm boring you most of the time since I rarely have anything to say (usually im tired, not a good excuse but still). I will try and be more talkative when we chat :)<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Tiffeh</span><br>Tiffy I havent been able to talk to you in like AGES cause of Uni and having to go to bed at a sensible time, and you've been working so have been getting back at unreasonable times (for me anyway). You are great fun to talk to and I love talking to you. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Patteh</span><br>Patty! You is an awesome bubble. I don't know how you get up at 3am to go swimming and still have the energy to look after the baby afterwards. You are amazing. You always have something interesting to say to me and we always talk about random things. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ratty</span><br>Ratty! You have gone to the land of the missing with the MAC. I don't know where you has gone but I wants you back... you are awesome, i tell you like everythign thats happening like all the time. No matter what cause I know I can rely on you even though you are miles and miles away from me.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dancer</span><br>I havent talked to you in a while, i dont know where you have gotten yourself to. But we always had good chats and I miss chatting to you. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mac</span><br>Well, well, well where are you hiding? I think you have gone to the land of the missing and I can't find you :'( i miss my Mac... you must PM me when you are next on cause I miss talking to you. You are a good friend (when you don't leave me).<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Vampy</span><br>I can't remember why we started talking but it was fun back at christmas when i started to get up when you did and go to bed at the same time... even though we are on completely different time-zones.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Pumpkin</span><br>Where have you gotten to my dear pumpkin? I talked to you a lot too :) Shame I have commitments which means I go to bed early :( You shall have to PM me sometime for a catch-up <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Para</span><br>Last but by no means least PARA! Well started talking to you about graphics, and also Tiffeh said you were nice and friendly so that helped :) I feel like I can talk to you about anything, and I feel like I have known you forever which is really mental, since ive never met you. But yea I enjoy talking to you and you help me out when I'm feeling down :D<br><br>Sorry its such a long post....So yea you lot are AWESOME and SPECIAL and I love talking to you all. You are all very welcome to talk to me at anytime about anything because you are awesome... currently being a bit weird cause I'm tired. Luffle you all... also any of my other friends, its not that i dont love you, i just dont talk to you everyday, or have ever talked to you everyday.
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt


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