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Please read and acknowledge that you understand the chat rules :<br><br>AOL Users are currently banned from chat to protect kids from old perverts, AOL does not control the people who use their services and can not track them, so it is best for the safety of minors. If you have a question, submit a ticket: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; thank you!<br><br># Chat Features are a privilege and not a right , by proceeding, you must READ and follow the rules listed: All terms of service rules apply in this chat room<br><br># Respect the @Operators (chat mods), and their words and the decisions they make.<br><br># Offensive, rude and unwanted behavior may cause you to get banned from this chat room (under any user name)<br><br># For behavior issues, if someone is offending you, please consult an operator, these are the people with the @ symbol by their name, you may double click on their name to private message them. If none of them are in chat, send a message to help/support using the messages feature. Also try and get the chat log Your name will be kept confidential in all behavior reports.<br><br># For questions pertaining to the game and your sim horses, please feel more than free to ask in chat room but please be patient.<br><br># The following Topics are forbidden in VHR Chat. :<br>Alcohol, Religion, Politics, S ex, D rugs, Violence, (ie. Murder, Threats of actual violence), PCs (pasting of private chats or related), and other Chat rooms and content therein.<br><br># -->UPDATE/CLARIFICATION:Harassing, picking on, and making fun of other player results in a kick/ban. Players who tease and trick other players into breaking the rules will be banned for 24 hours.<br><br># Posting of web sites which are not Directly Horse Related is prohibited. (personally owned sites are permitted as long as they are appropriate and do not advertise other commercial websites.)<br>-->NEW:Posting m y space and Y ou tube links will result in a ban since these sites contain material not appropriate for all ages.<br><br># Caps, colors, spamming, flooding, repeating, excessive nick changes,excessive and annoying scripts, rudeness, name calling, excessive punctuation and rude or disruptive comments/actions will not be tolerated.<br><br># Arguing in chat will not be tolerated, all parties involved will be warned/kicked/banned.<br><br># While profanity, caps, colors, and flooding will warrant you a kick from our beloved @Puppy, attempts to bypass @Puppy by using masked profanity or chat slang could warrant you a ban from one of our beloved Ops. Once doing so can result in a ban from chat services for a determined amount of time.<br><br># Impersonating another player, especially a Chat Op, Game Op, or Game Master is strictly prohibited. Please use only your own name.<br><br># When being corrected by a Chat Op, please do not argue with them in Public Chat. You may feel free to PC them about it if you wish, however arguing in main chat is disruptive and causes a small situation to become a major one.<br><br># Please limit ranch advertising in chat to once every 15 minutes. Do not advertise in emotes using /me feature, it is annoying and if it is continued the entire /me emote feature will be disabled.<br><br># When another player is being corrected by a Chat Op, please do not get involved unless asked by said Chat Op. Allow the Chat Op to do his/her job.<br><br># All Chat operators are required to follow these same rules at all times.<br><br># All Chat Ops reserve the right to kick/ban a person if they feel it is necessary. However, ALL kicks MUST be accompanied by an explanation and the kicking/banning Op must be able to back it up with a log if need be.
Nefertete, Game Dev
EMAIL ME at - i rarely check messages here!


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