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About Selling Upgrades/Dyes

edited September 2008 in Tips & Tricks
<span style="font-weight:bold">Selling Upgrades/Goodie dyes (unmade)</span><br>ALL ways work through an OP for those. If you go through paypal, say so, most will pay extra. Also if some one complains about paying through an OP do not trust them. Also keep all your tickets.<br><br>An OP works as a MM. You only have to contact them and ask them to do so. This works like so:<br>Buyer sends payment to op, you pay for the upgrade/dye and then they send you the cash when the account is upgraded, or the dog is dyed. <br><br>Also even though you are just starting out selling, the fact that you request to work through an op will get you credit. It lets people know you are serious about buying an upgrade/dye and not just trying to get some free cash.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Selling Made Gifties</span><br>Auction them, they'll sell for more. Sell only neutered, unamed dogs. Limit the color to 5 (so the first of the color and 4 pups) <br><br>If you sell a one of a kind there are two types:<br>Breeding rights, they'll sell for quite a bit, and normally the people who do have the cash for it will not over breed them.<br><br>Neutered- yes some people make and sell neutered one of a kinds. The price really depends on the color.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Color <span style="font-style:italic">is</span> important!</span><br>Pick colors that people will actually buy. If you made a color that is misspelled, or just to ordinary (good REAL examples are: pruple (misspelled) and Black, Brown, White.. ect (and yes there are gifties of those colors for some reason) <br><br>Also make sure the whole color can fit (Clear with ruby eyes,heart of gold and glass win [should have wings at the end there]) and that the grammar is good (blue w/ green and gold w/ silver eyes,bloodfangs )<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">"Oh I don't know how many times I decided not to buy a giftie because the color ran off or it was misspelled. I also don't buy if the spacing is not right. Just for a lazy example: Yellow Smiley Emoticon w/Forum Messages." -Tarnish</span><br><br>Yeah I agree (even though I actually own some of the examples XD ) It irks me when something is misspelled, or runs over. I mean really, spell check isn't that hard. I've gotten some complex ones out of the limit with out having to cram words together or run over ( Light Cream Hyper Active Munchkin (Broken Coat) )<br><br>A bit about capitalizing, because the caps is something important to me as well. I'm not sure why, but I think of it as you would a book title, important words have a capital and others don't. (Soot Black and Snow White w. Blue Wings) The word 'and' does not qualify for a capital.<br><br><br>(A good way to find colors is to make a color contest, and then let players pick the color. People will enter sometimes just to see a cool idea made into a real color because they do not have the cash to do so them selves.)<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">A bit more extensive guide to selling dyes or gifties by Tarnish</a><br><br><br>
<br><br>But other than that, I'd make a lot of friends. A lot of times it is the people you know that helps the most. I find that the VP chat is the best way.<br><br>And! ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE! You see the bright and rainbowy banner? Its a dual ad! 1. I want gifties, 2. I make art A flashy eye capturing ad can really make a difference. Put it on your kennel page. Put it in your siggy, heck even put it on your dog, cat, house, car, lawn what ever gets the word out.<br><br>Post in the auctions area to sell an account like so: "Sponsor Upgrade (Paypal)" or "Unmade Goodie Dye" people will come to your auction, but advertising is a good idea. Try putting a link in your siggy to the auction, Post ads in the bark park, post ads on chat (limit 1 per every 15 minute).<br><br>However! Most important I think, is that you take a step back realize that this is a GAME! Some people who just take it too seriously find that people don't really want to do business with them. Have fun, make a few jokes. Thats what its all about!<br><br><br>
Any ideas that some one would like to add to that? I've only sold a few upgrades and dyes so meph
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.


  • edited September 2008
    Nice Nice Ev! I added the link to this guide in my dye and gifties guide. :D<br><br>Oh I dont know how many times I decided not to buy a giftie because the color ran off or it was misspelled. I also don't buy if the spacing is not right. Just for a lazy example: Yellow Smiley Emoticon w/Forum Messages <br>I dont like how there is no space after with. But that is just me and my pickiness talking. Uneven capitalization is also a pet peeve of mine. Though I dont know how many others agree. By the way if anyone wants to use that silly color I made up..go on ahead. lmao
  • tarnish wrote:
    Nice Nice Ev! I added the link to this guide in my dye and gifties guide. :D<br><br>Oh I dont know how many times I decided not to buy a giftie because the color ran off or it was mispelled. I also don't buy if the spacing is not right. Just for a lazy example: Yellow Smiley Emoticon w/Forum Messages <br>I dont like how there is no space after with. But that is just me and my pickiness talking. Uneven capitalization is also a pet peeve of mine. Though I dont know how many others agree. By the way if anyone wants to use that silly color I made up..go on ahead. lmao
    <br><br>XD lmao Yeah I agree (even though I actually own some of the examples XD ) It irks me when something is misspelled, or runs over. I mean really, spell check isn't that hard. I've gotten some complex ones out of the limit with out having to cram words together or run over ( Light Cream Hyper Active Munchkin (Broken Coat) ) <br><br>anyhow I'll add the bit about the spacing and capitalizing. Because the caps is something important to me as well. I'm not sure why, but I think of it as you would a book title, important words have a capital and others don't. Like: Soot Black and Snow White w. Blue Wings (any one can use that too XD) The word 'and' does not qualify for a capital.
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Very Good! And I'm Glad I inspired you to make this :lol: :P <br>This has helped loads! And I am very wary of scammers ect. <br><br>I also think I will only ever sell unmade things, unmade dyes and unmade sponsors. Not only because people pay more, but because people prefer it.<br><br>I have favourited this.. and I love love love it!
    ((: ... anqel'
  • Very Good! And I'm Glad I inspired you to make this :lol: :P <br>This has helped loads! And I am very wary of scammers ect. <br><br>I also think I will only ever sell unmade things, unmade dyes and unmade sponsors. Not only because people pay more, but because people prefer it.<br><br>I have favourited this.. and I love love love it!
    <br><br>XD yeah I'm sure others have asked me in the past, and others will ask in the future so it just bears posting sense people wish to know.
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">edit</span><br>Added in a link to tarnish's rather well written guide to selling dyes/gifties.<br><br>I think a bit more info on selling upgrades would complete this :3
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
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