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So You Need A MiddleMan?

edited April 2011 in Auction
Because of the increasing number of people asking me and other Ops to MM ( middleman ) transactions between players I thought Id take a couple of minutes to type up a bit of an overview on the subject, what a MM actually does, and some Do's & Don'ts and proper behavior when asking for an Op to MM a deal for you :)<br><br>What is a MM you ask?<br><br>A Middle man, or middle person ( in some cases MiddleDragon, MiddleDesert, MiddleHawk or MiddleJinx ) is a Moderator or Game Op who holds money / information for one party until the other party comes through on a part of a deal. Observe:<br><br>Person 1 wants to buy a Goodie Dye. Person 2 agrees to buy them a Goodie Dye for 30 million VP money. Person 1 is polite and asks a MM to be involved in said deal, for both the protection of both players. MM agrees.<br><br>Person 1 sends the 30 mil to the MM. MM accepts the contract, and sends the dog back. Therefore the 30 mil is now on the Op/Moderator's Op account. The money stays there on the Op/Moderator's account until proof is sent to them that the color has come in for the buyer ( ie, a link to the newly dyed dog. ) The Op/Moderator then either alerts Person 2 that the color is in and asks them to send a -30 mil contract to said MM, or the MM will send Person 2 a contract for 30 mil. <br><br>Thats the basic jist of how using a MM works. There are a couple of reasons that using a MM is beneficial to both Person 1 & Person 2.<br><br>If person 2 decides to attempt to scam person 1, and not buy the color, Person 1's money is safe with the MM, and if the color is never purchased, Person 1 simply gets their 30 mil back. If Person 1 never intends to send the money to the Moderator for the color, then person 2 will know that the money was never received, so they arent scammed out of a color.<br><br>Here are a few Do's & Don'ts that will help you when dealing with a MM to insure that your transaction goes smoothly :D<br><br>DO make sure that when you attempt to contact a MM, that you explain that you are looking for a MM and the type of deal that you need a MM for.<br><br>DO make sure that if the Op/Moderator is able to MM for you, that you send the following information in the follow up message:<br><br>Your Player Name & Number<br>The Person Whom The Deal Is With's Player Name & Number<br>Item In Question ( Sponsor Renewal/Upgrade, Goodie Dye )<br>Number of Kennel That Will Be Upgraded OR Number of The Dog To Be Dyed ( If the deal is for Goodie Dye(s) please also list the color(s) that the dog(s) are supposed to be dyed, including the correct spelling so the MM can double check.)<br>Argeed Amount of VP Money<br>A Thank You ( hey, its always nice.)<br><br>DO make sure that if a deal changes in ANY way both the MM and the other party are informed.<br><br>DO Alert the MM when the color/upgrade has come in ( I check on the colors Im MMing for daily to see if theyre in, just to help keep the buyers infromed )<br><br>DO Alert the MM if you have any concerns regarding said transaction.<br><br>DO Include the info on the deal in the contracts when sending money, or sending a contract for payment...its much less confusing for us :D<br><br><br>And a teeny list of Don'ts :D<br><br><br>DON'T Assume an Op will MM for you. Just having someone send a contract out of the blue does nothing but confuse us.<br><br>DON'T Be demanding, Ops/Moderators know how to MM a deal, just let us do the job :)<br><br>DON'T Tell us that you have one or two deals you need MM'd and then have 7 or 8 people sending us contracts, saying that you okayed everything with us. You didnt. No MM is going to take on 10 or 12 deals at a time. For your safety and ours we like to make sure that we keep the deals as straight as possible to insure that everyone gets everything that was agreed upon in said deal.<br><br>DON'T do business with anyone who refuses to use a MM. Thats an open invite to scam city.<br><br>DON'T Freak out because the colors in, and you still havent gotten a contract sent to you/your contract wasnt accepted. Ops/Moderators are Parents/Grandparents/Students/Workers/Riders/Active People just like the other members and players of VP. We are not on the game 24/7. We do have families, jobs, and real life commitments that come before the game. Please be patient :)<br><br>Thank you again for your understanding. MM's are here to help you play the game and to aid you in your game play issues. If you have questions or comments please let us know :)
<br><br><3 DragonWings post on VHR and figured it should be put here also.


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