I just have to vent about this,<br>..because everyone in this house is steal teasing me about it. -_-<br><br>About a day ago I spotted a large albino rat in my cousin's family's home. He looked exactly like LoLo, my chubby little fat-so rat-so that passed away not too long ago.

Anyway, I immediately grabbed a bucket to trap the rat because everyone was panicking so much. After I caught him I told them all to leave him alone while I go get something to temporarily cage him better. By the time i found something and came back to get him everyone in the house was surrounding the bucket and stabbing him with sticks. He was helpless and couldn't run away because I had trapped him to take him outside. He screeched and cried while they all just had a blast. I was in shock and asked them to stop hurting him over and over.. then just sat on the floor and cried too. It took them forever to kill him, like they were purposely doing it slowly. Once he was dead they all turned their attention to me and started laughing and taunting me.. asking me what the heck is wrong with me. "It's just a rat... It's vermin."<br><br>It really breaks my heart to see anything suffer so much. Just because it isn't your preferred pet doesn't make it's life dispensable. The people that hate rats are the people that have never owned them. I tried to explain that I cried for the rat because of my connection to that type of animal, but they just don't understand. They laugh. They call me stupid.. Just because we're people doesn't mean we can torture life forms that have been dubbed "lower". NOBODY has the right to torture ANY living thing to death like that. People who do things like this seriously disgust me. <br><br>The worst part is their reasoning. They all say they killed the rat because he can't be in the house.. but if that was the case then why didn't they just MOVE THE BUCKET OUTSIDE?? <br><br>They are cruel and completely lack common sense. End of story. That is my rant. -__- R.I.P wild rattie.
Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
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