Once Upon a Rescue (OUAR) is a novice help club that also gives new homes to rescued dogs. Rescued dogs are identified by the OUAR trainers (me) and trained to show. Then they are put into holding until a lucky novices decides to chose them as their showing partner. <br><br>We will be hosting:<br>Herding<br>Canine Disc<br>Dock Jumping <br>Obedience<br><br>Unless asked for specific events! <br>All events will be HIGH PAYOUT! <br><br><span style="color:#FF0000"><span style="font-size:150">Tokens</span></span><br>Tokens are a form of reward that allows the novices of the club to get prizes for showing their OUAR dog and building themselves on VP.<br>1 Token = 10 points<br>You earn points by doing things on Vp.<br><br>1 point = Dog from Junior - Novice<br>5 points = Novice - Regional<br>10 points = Regional - National<br>20 points = National - International<br>1 point = 1st - 3rd place in a OUAR event<br>10 points = Introducing yourself on VP in the general discussions<br>1 point = Each puppy bred FROM a OUAR breeding pair whos stats are HIGHER than the parents, however the parents must be AT LEAST regional to get the points<br>1 point = Each referal where the person messages me (Vampire Venom) your user name and claims a dog<br><br><span style="color:#FF0000"><span style="font-size:150">Prizes!!</span></span><br>Remember! 10 points = 1 token! <br><br>1 Token = 50,000 VPC<br>1 Token = 280/200 Sponsor Training for ANY dog<br>1 Token = 1 New OUAR dog<br>3 Tokens = Breeding to a 10x4 international stud<br>5 Tokens = 10 280/200 trainings for ANY dog<br>10 Tokens = 1 mil VPC
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
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I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
Go One Direction!
Go Directioners!
S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
Training Kennel
Main Kennel
Training Kennel
Main Kennel
Training Kennel
Main Kennel