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  • Ok I'll tell her thank you for the help
  • Updated She has an account it's when she tries to view other kennels like mine and her ipad accepts cookies from all sites
  • That's great thank you
  • Could someone make me one with an irish wolfhound and Danae on it? I really can't do graphics
  • That's one of the problems with clicker training if you use shaping. The dog thinks hey she didn't give me a click for sitting right do something else while you're trying to teach sit/stay and they're running through their trick repertoire. It depen…
  • My puppies have known sit and lie down by 5 months and it's far better to have them under control rather than letting them bounce all over everyone or other dogs, was not easy with a cocker mix puppy though :roll:, less likely to get your puppy in …
  • Yes even clicker training can go wrong and do damage to dogs. But harsh methods or dominance training have more potential to do damage than positive methods especially to sensitive dogs. My parents had an english springer that would completely shut …
  • I think dominance theory has been disproven by too many people over just about every breed from terriers, guard dogs, primitive flock guardians anatolians CAOs etc, the sled dogs to use his methods which are for the most part based on dominance theo…
  • Yes it was the owners who were selfish however a good trainer would have refused rather than pointlessly drag a stressed out puppy up the stairs. No he repeats the training of sit or lie down again and again to me that's old-style dog training sit …
  • Sorry what would you call yanking up by the collar, pushing the butt down and commanding sit or pulling down until they're lying down and telling them down repeatedly? To me that's training sit or lie down I wouldn't be dragging a puppy that misera…
  • True we're all trying to get our dogs to behave the way we want to but it's the way he puts it's more like a power struggle over these dogs dominating them forcing them to submit. Sure he makes mistakes the 10 month old saint bernard puppy that wa…
  • I don't and never would use Cesar's methods bar actually using calm assertive energy when handling my own dogs I really use any of Victoria's either. However I've seen her and various other trainers training "red-zone" dogs and I've rarely seen any …
  • I'm just glad it never really took off here most toys still run around like normal dogs and very few are dressed up and treated like dolls rather than dogs. They're one of the few toy breeds I would get and probably would be an agility dog and play …
  • Gorgeous snakes but they're venomous rather than poisonous you could probably eat them with little problems. I could never have one as a pet though the things I've heard from people that do keep them are enough to tell me I couldn't handle one.
  • Welcome to the site. I like pomeranians my neighbours had two along with a german spitz sort the bigger version when I was a kid such smart little dogs. Such a shame they're mostly owned by the purse dog crowd.
  • I'd put up a fight if someone was hanging me by a choke chain. Of course when they're on the ground fighting for breath after said struggle, one's penis was a little bit out look he's trying to dominate me right now. Dog was fighting for breath I re…
  • Duplicate post can't work out how to delete it sorry
  • Ok what would you think if a dog was shaking very badly, avoiding eye contact, licking it's lips, had one paw up that was shaking even worse? Terrified dog or one trying to dominate you? One thing I could never work out back when I thought he was s…
  • I wouldn't say either knew everything about dog training but Cesar knows nothing about body language, uses harsh unnecessary methods to bully dogs into being shut down and calls them "calm-submissive" and uses the long outdated and disproven dominan…
  • I've tried a few times and they can't find my veins but I might try again.
  • Well done to you and Parker
  • This got a little long sorry but hope it helps. First off do not get younger than 8 weeks. They get a lot of training from mum and the litter in this time especially with bite inhibition. Preferably older but because 8-12 weeks is so essential for …
  • Erm just top 5: 1) Irish wolfhounds. They're gorgeous, huge but big softies. Only downside is the short life span. I've always wanted one finally got one a few years ago 2) Cairn terriers. I like the terrier personality, I may be slightly insane, b…
  • Don't worry abut it. We've had stupidly strict quarantine laws for like 100 years and either very few cases of rabies in wild animals or none. So our animals don't need rabies shots. They get the standard parvo distemper etc shots at 8 weeks and the…
  • Found her owners anyway they were so happy
  • In the UK not Australia. Might be we don't have rabies here? That might be what takes longer in the US. Puppies get the vaccines at 8 weeks then a booster at 10 and are considered immuen
  • Mine are vaccinated and I don't know about the US but puppies here are normally done at 8 and 10 weeks. I would say that's responsible you can't really take them out for walks before the shots. You can carry them of course which is vital for sociali…
  • She's such a sweet little thing there's got to be someone out there looking for her. She's really friendly with dogs and people