Wow thanks guys, my ego is totally coddled now. xD
And yes, I did draw everything from scratch. The only thing I didn't do by mouse is the brushes. There's the cloud brushes, the grass texture, and then-on the butterfly wings-the little speckles an…
I can't color to save my life, but I can do cartoony/dineystyle linearts of spitz-ish looking dogs. I think that would include anything in the wolf/fox family and even german shepherd dog bodybuild range. Just tell me what you need. Here's an exampl…
Envyyy. You have a far steadier hand with a mouse than I do! =] I usually give up trying to draw straight with a mouse and go use line tools. What program are you using?
Wow, thanks guys. ^^ And yeah, sure thing Boz. I'm not much good with coloring, so if you wanted to give it a go I could send you the link to this lineart for the funz of it all. Maybe I'll make some free line art for people to color and stuff. I li…