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  • I think it'd be cool if there was an option on the training list called 'dog park' that wouldtake energy but restore the entire happiness bar to full in one turn. Of course, the downside to this would not getting any happiness points ;P
    in Good idea. READ Comment by Lieu May 2005
  • Kaytara wrote: How DO you breed dogs? Where's the option? As for parents who wouldn't pay for an internet game, it's easy for you to say that, obviously it's not a problem for you. I simply find it unfair that novices have SO MUCH limitations in …
    in NOT FAIR Comment by Lieu April 2005
  • This post isn't about wether the price to pay for a sponser is fair or not n_n; Personally I would love to see the 'year' broekn down into prhaps...half a year? or maybe a few months? I would love to try out different sponser accounts But then ag…
  • Dude... You think Nef gets paid for making these games? I think not. I completely agree with DeeDee1 and BK. I saved my own money and then my parents allowed me to buy my account. Heck I'm a full time hgihschool student without a job, and I still ma…
    in NOT FAIR Comment by Lieu March 2005