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  • Ruffian: I think I remember you too Was it a black lab? A RL dog I think...Do you still want it? :< Koshi: ...right, I forgot about that xD Yeeah probably don't need those imports then. xD; Angel: hi. Dreamland: Don't worry about saving them…
  • Jellybeanjoe wrote: PHEE SMELLS! Seriously You need to send a contract to Jellybeanjoe to collect 500k >.> I can't have my VHR buddy in debt :P While you're there, pick a Border Collie pup xD I need to get rid of them
  • Hose-Frog-Pickle wrote: tarnish wrote: Heya Carny xD Decided to invade vp along with Draggy and Jelly? And Lucky And Ana And ladycash And Pheonee Hi there! I don't believe we've met. I'm Pheonee. I'm crazy. How are you doing?
  • You're using stock photos right? Please tell me you are using stock photos. Please please have permission to use all of your photos. Don't take them off Google, get permission or use stock sites. Please.