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  • This has been brought up before..repeatedly since specialty sponsors were made. It's not changed no matter how much people have complained. I'm sorry some players would be out $20 dollars. Wish that's all I had to worry about. I've spent thousands …
  • The backup computer isn't old, it's new. But I'd only had it built for reports to be typed up, not surfing the net or adding a ton of programs onto. I open my internet and anything else on the computer and I wait forever or everything freezes. *fing…
  • Well, last report was he has the parts and should have it done this weekend. *clings* I miss everyone too.
  • The ops were given personal breeds this year.
  • I've asked before to be able to click a page number and not have to go 'next page' a zillion times. Sadly as you can see it's not been added yet. I've also repeatedly asked for a way to look at events from oldest to newest or newest to ol…
  • The decoy wolves aren't a personal breed as in only one person can get them. They are available on the import list to anyone. Though they were made in hopes of scaring people away from them, not drawing everyone to them. lol
  • For the least amount of effort? Boarding. I make 200k a day and all I have to do is click check dogs once a day. Either of the other two you have to work for the money. Whether you're making/running events or rescuing dogs. But then my rescue…
  • You can already sort them by breed. There are several choices to sort by now. They only made it for the 'My Kennel' page and not when you go to look at the public view. It was the answer to my repeated suggestion of being able to sort your dogs on y…
  • People can suggest and people can disagree with what is suggested, as long as it doesn't get nasty there's nothing wrong with it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, doesn't mean everyone sees suggestions as making the game better.
  • It could be more that people aren't buying the 'explanations/answers' you're giving and that's why the things people see wrong with it are continously brought up. No one forces any player to train their dogs passed 200 stats either so using the lo…
  • I said it was a step in a direction we didn't need to go down (ie..the example mentioned in the first paragraph). And it's the skills when people screw up the training or exhaust the heck of dog. We don't even need to go into the color change th…
  • I have no problem with change but Nef might as well charge $100 a year for sponsors, have a person click a few buttons, pick a few breeds, skills to train, groom/rh/fp for stats, what age to stop training stats at, at what point to breed, training f…
  • *gives Nitty chalk and points to chalk board* Tasha, how do you account for trainer error? Exhaustion or training in the wrong skills? Each time a trainer starts working a dog they chance messing up some how. Make it random? Then you punish those w…
  • OMG I can't believe I'm reading this... *hands Tasha chalk and makes her write on the chalkboard 500 times*
  • Psst... Message me or catch me in chat about the dye.
    in Closed Comment by Jinxx February 2007
  • SUGGESTION #2 I have yet to see any major benefit of that sponser/account linking button, so it reduces loyalty loose which one can also train and return anyways. Loyalty is the ONE reason linking was added. It IS the benefit of linking. …
    in LEASING Comment by Jinxx February 2007
  • MinneapolisTheNorthwest wrote: What about the people with dial up or very slow internet? Lets see, if the page takes 1 minute to load, think about how long that would take. This is my opioion isn't even worth it. Its not like any of these sugge…
  • MinneapolisTheNorthwest wrote: If its so easy to get them, then how come people are suggesting this? If it was easy as pie, people wouldn't be suggesting this. Just because its easy for you, doesn't mean its so easy for somebody else =] If …
  • MinneapolisTheNorthwest wrote: If you just put your dog in events. And they don't win, their showing score won't be so great. Trading them in my opionion, would be fine. I mean, do you honestly think theres going to be that many people selling…
  • I agree with those who don't like these ideas. It's easy to gain fame points, you don't even have to train your dogs..just enter them in free events. You're guaranteed at least one point for entering. If you're eventing several dogs in as many free …
  • TaraRayne wrote: Lindsers wrote: Just my thoughts.. It upsets me that Nef did this. The idea has been turned down before, and we have so many other problems with the game. I don't have any personal background with this, but I understand and f…
  • BlacknTan wrote: I pretty much breed for those colors and, of course, stats, so I dun really like the shortcut this presents. And, this has pretty much made keeping a color rare worthless. WHeee! I can make as many as I want, and dye them back to…
  • Why can't people hold color contests? And those that suggested the colors attempt to win more than one contest with their suggestions? I don't see a problem with a list if people want it but don't moan about the number of contests there are and peo…
  • deedee1 wrote: Friendly - 90 Aggression -100 Adaptability - 110 Loyalty - 100 Courage - 100 Hyper - 111 Strength - 90 Intelligence - 90 Endurance - 90 Speed - 90 I think those are right. Correct me if I am wrong. most of them are the number …
    in Possibly Comment by Jinxx August 2006
  • Breed dogs for two years and you'll notice a pattern, some colors naturally have lower stats, like the several of the 'rare' colors on arctic wolves, 'nearly' always have overall lower stats then those that on normal import colors. Sometimes you get…
    in Dyes Comment by Jinxx August 2006
  • I'm on the fence with this, always have been. I consider it a challenge to breed high statted regular colored dogs but I've had times it hasn't happened, the best were always the gift colors. Anyway, AhiFlame. I've managed to remax most of my 04 g…
    in Dyes Comment by Jinxx August 2006