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  • Rutharazzilling wrote: i dont thin kshe said anthing about sea....hmm.... so im not doing that Actually, The Theme was Sandcastles.
  • You guys are doing awesome!
  • The New Cancer Never Looked better Out Of Place and under Dressed The Narrator Desprate For Attention Slightly sarcastic Bleeding On The ballroom Floor Lining The Bullet holes Dignified Peach And Lime All From P!atD
  • My Computer Asked me if I wanted ot refresh Every time, so the repeat button helps a lot. And I can click it overandoverandover whne I'm grooming
  • I can speak English and Enough French to get by.
  • 44568 =] Training and grooming.
  • Foolish Audio Vampire Foolish Audio =]
  • Yeah it does. It also makes me want to NOT mess up really badly. I love Training!
  • Who would order a Pee Frapp?
  • # Picture(s): Headphones/Musical notes/A boombox/ Cassette Tapes/ Cds. That sort of thing. =] # Main Text: Foolish Ownz Paper Planes # Subtext: # Color(s): Right now I like Greys, Black, and White, but anything that looks good is fine by me. # Anyt…
  • Out of the Darkest Moments Shocking Reality Hidden
  • I would but It would lose almost all my money... I'll give you 4 free trainings w/ Agrro Or 6 with out. Or 350k. I wish for a cartoon of an inanitmate object with a face.
  • Tanitsja wrote: finish spitz you should add sort of a crave effect...not sure how to describe it or even if thats the word in english...lets see if i cant find a pic to link you too that will better explain it, but sort of a faint zigzag effect be…
  • Kite_Katsumi wrote: If I get another corn anytime soon, I'll be looking for a butter. Creamsicles are so beautiful! They must look stunning with the motley pattern! It's amazing! If the book weren't copyrighted I'd scan it for you.
    in Reptile Comment by Foolish June 2008
  • Kite_Katsumi wrote: Sunglow is bright red and orange with some yellow, white belly, red eyes. SOME white around the red is okay, but not a lot. Moeru is Sunglow. Is that the kind of color you like? It sounds like you might like Butter too. They're…
    in Reptile Comment by Foolish June 2008
  • I have a book that just has an entire section on colors in the back. I like really bright colors. I like all of them, but Orange and yellow happen to be two of my favorite colors. Which isn't saying much because I love the entire color spectrum. Exc…
    in Reptile Comment by Foolish June 2008
  • Haha. Those are nice! It seems you found an artist who kne wwhat they were doing. I can't wait to get my first Tatoo.
  • I convinced My mom I needed a corn snake for my birthday. Which has come and gone. But We're going to order a tank because I told her about the style I wanted and we can't find it (If my mom is anything, she's a shopper) and I've researched them. …
    in Reptile Comment by Foolish June 2008
  • My dad ordered parts and put our computer together. It was all new, but it was specified to what he wanted (He used to have a bunch of recording stuff). We've had it for a few years, but it's still faster than most. I would Kill to have CS2. We had…
  • Haha. Milo hated the cone... He Atttacked us with it. Good Luck with the stiches
  • Wish Granted. Send the contract to Foolish WIth Info in the Dogs Notes. I wish Someone would give me a large mess of dogs to train. ((the more the better)) PM for info?
  • Yesterday was hot-ish. but It got better around 7-8 ish. Today our high is 92.
  • Well, I can only do big dogs and only when I'm in the mood. And it takes me DAYS to draw a dog if it's not just standing there.
  • Kesra wrote: They are both spectactular! The first ones legs are a bit long, though. That is my only critique. Haha. I seem to love long legs/Large paws. at least with the large paws I Know I'm doing it.
  • Alliieennss wrote: I think I can give you a little help on the angles. When drawing dogs at that angle you tried there, make sure their legs are apart, they should not be that close. They also should both be..."on the same line". Like the second…
  • I've had a phone for about 4 years now? But I don't have a home phone because no one ever used it/ called it. I used to have a blackberry but I used to have an ultrasmall purse And my sharpie cracked the screen. So I've been using my Mom's old came…
    in Cell Phones Comment by Foolish June 2008
  • I thought it was nice out, but where I live anything under 100 is nice.
  • in Ended. Comment by Foolish June 2008
  • I had trouble putting it together.. but I still have all the original images saved Done in sharpie then edited. So I might Try again.
    in Ended. Comment by Foolish June 2008