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  • I can do some lineart for you but at the moment i can't color because im currnetly looking for Photoshop CS....;-; I had psp but its on a broken computer that I have no acces to *sobs* but yeah just name a breed and i'll be happy to do the lineart f…
  • thats realy cool thats an awsome Idea but yeah it would take lots of coding...wich could possibly make the server slower again....right? i think it would...maybe...^^;
  • ok I understand where your going and actually I was considering becoming a sponser on VP once I get ENOUGH money come VHR is more expensive? just curious >> but no, you do have a point and I am sorry about...well attacking you on th…
  • Ashige wrote: Shadowlupen wrote: that is a good point and I can completely understand what you mean. its just that the price to become a sponser isn't always affordable for those who want to become a sponser. I have seen some virtual sites whos …
  • that is a good point and I can completely understand what you mean. its just that the price to become a sponser isn't always affordable for those who want to become a sponser. I have seen some virtual sites whos prices are around 10-12-15 dollars...…
  • thats really weird...yeah I was watching it too and thats when I saw the message...o.O maybe it was a PM or somthin...o.o
  • No no no, my post wasnt to sable...>< dies! Someone posted somthing realy harsh that said stuff like as rude as it may sound...BITE ME! and stuff like that and I replyed to them but I think they erased the message so it looked like I was posti…
  • ok I know I said I was ready for the angry replys but thats just uncalled for ok. it was just a suggestion so chill the heck out. my god sorry I didn't read the entire post you wrote e_e but don't have a cow ok. *dies* ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!
  • yeah thats what i was thinking they could do. *sigh*