my mom says that i just notice very small details about people and things and then my dreams(what u call visions) are my brains way of making sense of what it has noticed. then it turns out the way my brain calculated it would. however it happens i …
i know. i don't see dead people but i do see the future. always have. i mostly see other peoples future, but i've seen my own a couple of times. i leave it alone, it's their life. what's going to happen is going to happen. :?
no money to do that. i have started this thing where i travel to 1 new place for my B-Day every year. they're not always the most exciting places though. hopefully in a few years i'll be able to afford to go somewhere out side of the U.S.
i have an active imagination too. though my dreams are usually 100% made up, i don't often get them from movies. mine have never gone away though, it's been about 8 yrs. yours will either go away or you'll learn to live with them . my dreams would…
Aziu wrote:
1. Black Deuce *Of Valley View* *Prize* A neutered pup of Scarred Gray w/ Ripped Ear Timber Wolf (bedlington)
thanks Aziu, my bids came from justadoglover
will donate all dogs neutered:
might add more later
i have a sponser training account too. i didn't want to offer it at first because i don't have time to do 1 per day like you stated above. but i can do a free friday
oh. i hadn't seen that new thread, sorry.
but what a pleasant surprise! 4. ~K&B~Gray Coal - 1190 pts , i thought he was out of the running being in fourth! too bad my 2 dogs have to compete against each other though.
sorry, i don't have any pictures, no camera . but i will post about them
Sana Dawn: 2yr old appendix QH, chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail, white star and stripe on face. rescued her at 5 months old from a herd of domestic horses that…