Honestly.I think that one was me. I train ever single turn. Sometimes my computer gets retarded. Im sorry. I can give you back your money though. And extra to pay for any damage done. I never realized that I did such a crappy job.
SunnyDaysDontLie wrote:
Okanagan Gurl: What career field are you going into? o.o
Its for working with horses actually A really crappy first semester and because of the amount of money and number of years and since this will be a hobby, I jus…
If im lucky, ill get into these next semester:
Communications and Personal Management
Managing Equine Tack and Equipment
Farm Equipment Operation
Interacting with Horses
Hey! Im not quite sure though if im back for good. Id like too and I have the money for it but between schools, extra schooling, showing, and the possibility of going to college this fall might stop me again...
Personally, I really liked the movie, cheap graphics but I survived. I didn't read the books (because everyone else was reading them and I wanted to be different) so i didn't see those flaws.
In my opinion, never read a book if you expect to like t…