Animal: Horse
VP Breed: I dunno
Food: Mozzarella Sticks
Drink: Root Beer
Color: Lime Green
Number: 93
Saying: Im watching You *points finger*
Other Not Listed: uhh I like Finding Waldo?
DarknessLies wrote:
Hehe, well, My mom, my 2 sisters, my aunt, my uncle, and a few friends of mine went downtown to Winter Wonderland. It's where they have parades, a whole bunch of activities, free food, parades, etc etc.
Well, they also had Sa…
Player name: LSK-Owner-Holley
Animal: Cat
Colors: Calico (blacks, whites and browns
Designs (in detail if any): Blue eyes with a pink heart ok left paw
Accessories (if any): pink collar and crown
so 200k + 30k for the accessories and design right?…