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  • Congrats! What a neat breed too!
  • SB on dogs #105, 111, 113, 122, 123, and 128
  • 3 mil
    in Sold Comment by Harley February 2013
  • I guess I'd be considered a "lurker" since I haven't posted anything in a looong time. I agree with y'all, I have too much time and money invested in this game to just leave. I never thought I'd be out of college and married and still playing..
    in Oldies Comment by Harley January 2013
  • Colour: Raccoon Breed: Belgian Tervuren Dog Link:
  • SB on the Blind&Deaf Great Dane
  • I usually get a bag that has all kinds of carrots, peanuts, etc. (not just pellets) and mix it with a small bag of dog food.
  • They're actually probably cheaper than buying eggs yourself. $8 every two months versus $3 for a dozen eggs every other week or so. Great pets! And also tell her about the temperature tolerances and everything, then she'll know you've been doing yo…
    in Chickens Comment by Harley June 2008
  • I have the ugliest rooster ever, yet he won International and Grand Champion at the state & county fairs. He also got People's Choice and a trophy just because everyone liked him since he's so weird looking. He's the big all black one in front…
    in Chickens Comment by Harley June 2008
  • And for drinking water, if you have larger chickens a plastic bucket is fine. (metal rusts) The only chicken I ever had die was a chick only a few weeks old who drown themself in a shallow dishpan of water by lying in it. So if you plan on getting …
    in Chickens Comment by Harley June 2008
  • We just have a wooden frame with a tarp over ours, it keeps out snow and rain that isn't blowing, and also gives them shade. *can't convert celsius* But for really hot days, you can put ice cubes in their water bucket and also in a pan so they can …
    in Chickens Comment by Harley June 2008
  • I also have 2 cats aswell, one who is 18 and a 2 year old. Along with that there are also a bunch of rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, chickens, and a chinchilla, and also other dogs. My BC gets along with all of them perfectly, since he grew up around t…
  • They are very energetic and hyper, but if you run and play with them every day (assuming you don't have any animals to herd) they are fine. I have a mixed Border Collie and he can get quite annoying if he doesn't get all of his excess energy out. Bo…
  • Your Bantams are HUGE! I have all Polish ones, and the original pair were actually 2 roosters. They grew up together and were fine, but one got sick and a few months later after he got better, they didn't recognize each other. But roosters aren't …
    in Chickens Comment by Harley June 2008
  • I got 2 chickens as sort of a joke Christmas present a few years ago from one of my friends who breeds and shows them, and I fell in love. Now,I have about 15 including around 8 chicks with 15 more eggs in the incubator. For a coop, they don't real…
    in Chickens Comment by Harley June 2008
  • Vomiting is actually a side effect of the medicine. Is your dog on Ivomec/Stromectol or Interceptor? Certain breeds react badly with ivermectin, even though the vet should know that. Its usually BCs, Collies, Shelties, Aussies, and OES.
  • Xaetian wrote: Someday, whoever owns the cats he's killing could get fed up and shoot him. =/ That's the one about shooting. And I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude, but I'm really passionate about this and how awfully people treat their pets.
  • I agree with you, Weisse, on some aspects. She was barely injured, which makes it completely different than the vicious mauling of an incredibly aggressive dog. If she is worried about being bitten again, then she is right to just not go over to he…
  • And if you knew your parents would overreact, why did you tell them? If the dog is really that bad, more the reason to go over to your friend's house and train it. What's so awful to you guys about the dog getting shot? Saying it should be put to…
  • Hahaha. This is the reason I like animals way more than people. One of my dogs (Border Collie mix) bit me while I was breaking up a fight between him and another male. It bled through many band-aids, and I probably needed stictches. A year later, I…
  • Alright, contract sent.
  • 22 mil
  • 35 mil Haha Okan, its always me and you bidding against each other for sponsors.
  • My best friend has the same year blazer as you and she loves it. You guys will love driving, and once you get your liscense you'll start correcting everyone else's driving. (I learned the hard way about telling my mom about her driving :roll: )