Just noticed in the beta you can search by greater than 0 easily-which is wonderful!
And, btw-I agree with you somewhat about the patience thing-and if you want a specific breed-BUT 88 pages is alot of clickthrough if you are not sure what yo…
I always thought that's why people clogged up the for sale dogs with negative numbers. In that case just get rid of the negs-if it's not for sale at all why have it show up on the for sale list? Makes not a bit of sense-esp from a newbie poi…
Skye (daughter) just gave me a good idea-
Instead of allowing negatively priced dogs, how about a checkbox on the dog to mark to as "biddable" anda seperate search for biddable dogs? Then the dogs on the sale search would actually be for sale......…
Price range would be good-or at least the ability to weed out negative dogs from the search....I know my daughter was getting REALLY frustrated looking for dogs when the first five pages were negative. I finally sent her to a rescue, but I know darn…