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  • If you in the negs, I suggest neutering dogs you have no intentions on breeding. Or buy several rescues for 250, and then neuter them. For every time you nueter a dog you get 500 so you would be making a small profit, but if you did it enough, you c…
  • Oh that makes so much more sense, makes it a little more competitive as well! Thankyou!
  • Love, Love, Love! Thank you so much!
  • lovefrompaige wrote: FatBaby wrote: Desktop Dimensions: 1280x1024 Theme/mood: Similar to my form banner, but not quite as gloomy, but very close. Walking dead again! Text: Stuff happens (accept change stuff to the bad s word please since only m…
  • I agree with Sea Oats, without that added twist the movie would have been terrible. I mean leading up to something that dosent happen in the end? In class right now we are learning about writing and how it always has a rising action, climax, and fal…
  • No problem, everyones got a life outside the vp world haha
  • Desktop Dimensions: 1280x1024 Theme/mood: Similar to my form banner, but not quite as gloomy, but very close. Walking dead again! Text: Stuff happens (accept change stuff to the bad s word please since only my eyes will see it I guess I'll be a lit…
  • Thanks I love it!
  • Type of Graphic: Forum Banner Text: The world ended, didn't you get the memo? Subtext: None Images used: Anything you want, at least one walker (zombie from the show) and at least one of these characters--> Rick Grimes, Michonne, Deryl Dixon, and…
  • My eyes! :shock:
  • After watching the Talking Dead after show, Its pretty clear Carol is dead, just so you all know....
  • That sounds amazing! *calls step mom to convince some more*
  • I adore the sims, a little to much. I really want seasons but im basically broke! Im hinting to my step mom its on my Christmas list, and im emphasizing thats its limited edition so she knows to move quick haha.
  • I think if Carol grew her hair out she would not look as old, infact I think she would be very pretty. I feel like Carl will be such a stud muffin as an adult, hes a tuff guy, cute kid (which may transfer on to attractive adult) and good survival in…
  • Shane was by far one of my favorites, along with Sawyer from lost. I guess we both like the bad guys. A girl wants what a girl wants! Also, if this follows the comics, the baby is Shanes. But its left unsaid most likely, because its left to assume s…
  • Oh well the difference is Hershall did it for good reasons! Dexter is...I cant go into to much detail, or it wouldnt be appropriate. Lets just day the creators crossed the line of what could be seen by the public in my opinion. Theres so many crime…
  • What do you mean by reminding you of Hershal? I thought Hershal kept walkers in the barn because he didnt take care of them. If it wasn't for me already knowing part of the future story line due to the comics, I would love the governor-but since I d…
  • I was never fond of Lori either, I feel as though every major problem somehow stems back to her and Carl. Ive been rooting for her depart since day one, but last night brought a tear to my eye. I usually ball about everything, but since it was Lori,…
  • Oh my goodness, if your just starting season two, you have no clue how amazing it is yet. Once you hit season 3, it gets ten times better, more crazy, but still realistic. Ive only watched bits and pieces of Revolution and I think the idea is pre…
  • Style # 1 Custom Headers (y/n):n (if yes...) Header Titles Wanted: Colors: greys, dark purples, anything else that fits the mood (im not picky at all) Theme: The walking dead Mood: a bit dark, rainy day feel, Images: photos of walking dead characte…
  • Thankyou!
  • This will end tomorrow evening! Because of family problems I may not have a computer available (but most likely I will) if that's the case, It will just continue till im back, which would be Wednesday or Thursday most likely.
    in Over Comment by FatBaby October 2012
  • If a couple more bids dont come along this will be cancelled. Sowwy Coaster Cannons!
    in Over Comment by FatBaby October 2012
  • This will end Sunday evening!
    in Over Comment by FatBaby October 2012
  • Oh goodness, thanks a ton. I was just hunting down dogs to place in events. I'll stick to rescuing for now-thanks!