Yeah, I learned that too, but sometimes they say things that I've dealt with people making fun of my for my whole life.. Like when this freshman randomly called my friend the b word and then turned to me and called me 'bucky' .. I've had braces twic…
Kaz- Ohmuhgawd, you crack me up XDD But yeah, I usually come up with some sarcastic remark that shuts em up real quick, or I ask them if they have something to say to me and they end up walking away .. makes total sense, I know. That saying DOES bot…
You don't sound rude, I don't let rumors get to me, they were just saying stuff like they didn't like my friend and pointing at him and calling him 'fat' when he isn't fat at all. This week has just been stressful, and I know things could always be…
Ahh, thank you people ! ((: It's good to see I'm still remembered ! And yuupp, seriously old player alert.. it's been like 3 to 4 years ! And yeah I used to be on a lot so you probably saw me around, but I agree on the not ever talking to each other…