Nacie wrote:
Glittamutt wrote:
The whole thing is a slap in the face, especially since I additionally found out that the person who took my idea was one of my "friends." I can't even believe it, ugh. And I just remember as soon as I tried to com…
EmmeZoe wrote:
*sticks out hand* I'm Emme, nice to meet you.
This is why I hide in art class. People need to learn to let their mind flow and make up their own ideas ._. And it stinks that this one person could ruin it for a bunch of people and …
wetnose101 wrote:
Aww chibs. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I would have been really mad that they stole the ideas. Chibi, I have never really talked to you before but if you ever need to talk i will listen. I will message you on DA. I hope …
Alabama wrote:
Well, technically VP does have a way to protect against idea theft. Purchase the color or breed your idea is about.
The only way I could see "copyrighting" or patenting ideas would be for VP to keep some kind of database that play…
Alabama wrote:
Well, technically VP does have a way to protect against idea theft. Purchase the color or breed your idea is about.
The only way I could see "copyrighting" or patenting ideas would be for VP to keep some kind of database that play…
VampireVenom wrote:
Imso sorry you encountered this Chibs =(
It's okay, turns out the person who stole my idea was actually rewarded...I'm so so, agh! I'm flaming right now, I don't even know how people are okay with themselves!
I'm so angry I don't have words.
VIRTUALPUPS NEEDS A POLICY TO PROTECT IDEA THEFT. I'm just as angry as I would be as if somebody stole my artwork and said they made it.
Rock_N_Roll_Queen90 wrote:
Oooh! I'd buy an icon.
Eeeeee~! Thank you!
I'm trying to keep the prices as low as possible, but they do take me quite a while. I'm still hand drawing it and whatnot.
Alabama wrote:
I'm in no way saying that people shouldn't do what they want to their own bodies, nor am I saying that it wasn't rude, because both are correct. However, I see both as being attention seeking and the bad thing about seeking attentio…
Lycanthrin wrote:
Pinch me, I must be dreaming!! :O CHIBI!!!!
LYYYYC pronounce it like "lick" in my head. > 3 >
My Lyc! I'VE MISSED YOU SOOO If you get bored, you should message me so we can catch up sometime. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!?! 8…
Lycanthrin wrote:
Pinch me, I must be dreaming!! :O CHIBI!!!!
LYYYYC pronounce it like "lick" in my head. > 3 >
My Lyc! I'VE MISSED YOU SOOO If you get bored, you should message me so we can catch up sometime. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!?! 8…
I really like this. I think I am in love with that wonderful face. I also really really like the ear shape. You did a wonderful job! I think your paws and fur look pretty darn swell. The fur doesn't look either too spikey (which I have seen) or too …
Garfieldz Gal wrote:
Glittamutt wrote:
Garfieldz Gal wrote:
It does! I think I might have to increase my training prices just so I can start saving up to buy something off of you. ;D
Oh you ;D
If didn't put so much of my heart in soul into…
oh and just to be a super creep...
going through all you wonderful kids and adding you on my forum friends list~! not sure what that does, but it makes me feel like I can publicly present the kiddos I adore. >.>
Garfieldz Gal wrote:
It does! I think I might have to increase my training prices just so I can start saving up to buy something off of you. ;D
Oh you ;D
If didn't put so much of my heart in soul into my art, and it didn't consume so much of m…
Garfieldz Gal wrote:
I LOVE IT. I'd totally order something if I wasn't such a VPC hoarder. xD
Thank you~!
More than anything I hope it at least still looks like what you little VP children would call my chibi art. XD
It's just, I am in no way trying to be like "IF U DON'T LIKE BODTY MODS R PIERCINGS UR STOOPID!!!11!", in fact I can completely see what they may creep people out. Some of them look "painful" to people? I…
Everyone, all the welcome-back-love truly flatters me. Thank you so so much, for all the kindness. It means the whole world.
I also want you to know I read all of your posts individually, and it's just a buttload of work for me to have to quote ever…
Opinions anyone? ~ u ~
It's been such a long time and my style has changed quite a bit, and ahhhh
Just some feedback would be so greatly appreciated, my lovely VPians!
PaperWings wrote:
My family and other people from work/school have made similar comments on my lip piercing. Have had it pierced for about 8yrs or so now, so feels a part of me to the point I feel "naked" without it in xD
I tend to play about wit…
TigerCub101 wrote:
Personally I am not a fan of streched ears though it does suit some people. But I understand your frustration with some poeple. There is no need for people to say 'Ew' for some people yes it is wierd or gross to see but they don…
lovefrompaige wrote:
Chibi! It's been forever.. I stalked your DA stuff quiet often. It's good to see you back. (:
Pming you about commissions! ^^
I hope all is well right now. If you ever need to talk just shoot me a pm. I'll always answer.