I don't want kids myself, not to mention I am far too young, but I would say wait until after college when you have a job and settled, stable relationship.
Vampy- I just love your animals they amaze me, and you rock too!!
NotAMallard: I luff Lulu and Turtle, Lulu is my fat friend.
UglyDog- Puddle is a perfect fat cat name.
Avia- That cat is gorgeous. :DDDDDD And lazy lookin'. Simba is cute.
Ah, and that is where her bitterness is from. I am an animal pscycologist now, you see? Helping bitter animals all over the country to overcome their obstacles! Haha, if only.
Haha. I have a mena cat too, but honestly she is just a little mentally handicapped. She is cross eyed and runs into things- I think it makes her bitter.
You honestly had me at sheep. I want to see pics of said sheep someday :DDDD
I had some horses, haha.
And Kitty's, and someday want a Bush Dog. Oh, I had a snake too, gave it to NotAMallard though.