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  • Chyeah! I'm addicted! Especially to Benji.... *sighs*
  • I like---- *eye twitches* I looove your bottom banner steals* I had posted that idea earlier and got a lot of nice comments about it.
  • Or if you have a female that you have for brood lease, you list her for sale for 2147323123 or whatever the number is and specificlly put in the notes to not bid on that dog becuase she is for brood lease and not for sale. Then, either people don't …
  • Hear hear Ahi!
  • It isn't too good of an idea. But I am slightly partial on the park idea. I could see it as a possibility but nothing I would die without. You know. Basically, what the others said.
  • No. This is a bad idea. I don't mean to be mean but because you have a million dollars (not much on VP anymore :roll: ) doesn't mean that you should get something free. I know several people who have over 50 mill. Would this mean they should get 50…
  • I know. I can't even find a nice Labrador stud anymore because people have made their dogs untrained. Or a Golden Retriever for that matter male or female. I know it makes more sense but if we had more responsible breeders it wouldn't bother me as m…
  • Not every one's been saying yes... For instance, I say no because of one reason. People would breed the mutts and if they were breedable those dogs would be aged bred, aged again, bred, aged and so on and so forth. This would add to the overpopulati…
  • That'd be scary... A cat/bird.... *hides under covers*
  • It's a loose term used for Bully breeds like Am Staffs, APBTs and the like.
  • American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier (also called Pit Bull), or American Bulldogs (called Pit Bull to the untrained eye).
  • I think deleting the kennels after they've been empty for a long period of time is a good idea. Besides, rescue kennels can get to the ones that still have dogs in them after being abandoned for over a year. And I do disaggree with deleting dogs tha…
  • And adopting kennels are rescue kennels basically.
  • Well at my house we have two dogs. We buy IAMS overweight dog food for my dogs. This comes up to abput 50 dollars a week for us. The food pricing here is unrealistic. To have it realistic the price would have to depend on your dog's size, age, weigh…
  • Really, I find almost no issue with the fee. It is very small. And trainers, just charge at the end of the training 25 per turn taken for training. This will pay you back, and make you happy. There should be no training prices raised, just a small f…
  • Well most puppies I know haven't been shown before, so I didn't know that could happen.
  • Never mind! I just took a turn and aparently rescues don't have to pay for the actual rescue dogs! I have other dogs in my main kennel, Zoe, not just in my rescue kennel. I have a variety of breeds and to train them yes I do have to take turns.
  • I think so. Now that we have to pay and I have almost 200 rescue dogs alone to feed and they have been sitting there for a long time and since they don't age in rescue kennels there should be some way to release the puppies.
  • Thank you simplicity. I also think we should be able to release puppies at any age. One of these dogs in my rescue kennel is about 3 months old and I can release it and its been in my kennel for at least four months now.
  • Oh! And another thing to add to it is that lets say you put your female for sale. It looks like its for bids. In the owners comments it says "Do NOT bid on this dog as she is NOT for sale. She is available for brood lease ONLY". People on Vp don't r…
  • I doubt anyone would want to do this every day, or even every week. I would actually go to these. I mean what would it hurt to learn something new? I would "go" to the lectures if I had the time or if someone could figure out the time thing. O…
  • Yeah I agree with both actually. I would definitely go to the lectures. But they would havce to be at a convinient time for most people. Because most people have school or work from 7-3 (if you work about 5) and a lot of kid's parents won't let them…
  • Well if you go to the BB, which I do immediatly efter I check on my "While You Were Waay" box, it tells you how many new messages you have. It also says this under the Search Kennels And Players Section. I use both of these just about everyday so I …
  • Rebel is right. If you name the dog Pit Bull, you could be talking about 3 different breeds. We should have the name changed because of this.
  • What I don't understand is why cockapoos (which are mutts with fancy names) are breeds and other mutts like Schnoodles are considered actual mutts and are born neutered. Cockapoos are mutts and if all the rest are considered mutts, these should too.…
  • I have worked really hard and spent a lot of money to get my 8x4's and 9x4 (note that the 9x4 is single... I am hoping for a male for that one).If we had to start all over to get x5's that would really put me in trouble with my main stud. He wouldn'…