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  • -Due to people taking my kindness for granted and copying my layouts without permission I don't see a point in me wasting my time and making something that doesn't get appreciated. As from now there will not be any more free layouts and I will not a…
  • Kaley wrote: kmcov wrote: okay i dont know if we were allowed to make two ....? but i did because my first one seemed boring but now i dont know if i like it but i feel kinda proud of it *cough*size?*cough* [: Yep too big
    in Ended. Comment by Azuria January 2010
  • BrunDrake wrote: either you bid or I can report you to a game op for spamming my post. o0 I think they were only trying to point something out. Just because somebody says the truth about your bevhaviour doesn't mean you can start blackmailing …
  • Also entering for the layout & banners
  • 1mil on the 5 trainings
  • Wow! Erh and a Happy Birthday too Time does fly XD
  • At first I wasn't sure if I was able to come up with something along the lines of neon colors XD But it turned out better than I thought
    in Ended. Comment by Azuria January 2010
  • You just have to love the aussies! So Hugh Jackman all the way!
  • A new layout! Wolves Included in this layout: - 5 Kennel Links - 2 scroll boxes w/ headers
  • Thank you Mia! You have a PM gsd121 :shock:
  • Maybe - just maybe - I'll wait until the new year. I should try VP like it is and if I'm not satisfied then I'll get one. So far, training kennels are supposed to be the best, right?
  • Wheehw o0 I've just read Kaley's post and now I'm thinking "Should I get one!?" Just seems so tempting :twisted:
  • Nice to meet all of you! Addictions are never good. Maybe this one time I can make an exception and see what VP does to me :twisted:
  • lol I've only been on VP a couple of days ya know But if everyone is crazy like me then it's alright XD I think we'll all get along fine - as long as nobody forgets to take their pills
  • Let's hope you never have to bite me Thank you for the link Kazuko! I already found a couple of answers that popped up And there is also that support area here in the forum which will come in ahndy I'm sure.