I don't get the whole unneutered w/o breeding rights thing... if you sell it unneutered w/o breeding rights, isn't it the same as it being neutered? and how can you control it anyways if people breed him or not?
Just wondering.. I have no where nea…
I had pocasamus that excaped once while we wern't home, found him when we got home on the floor. their bottom dwellers, so we tried to revive him by putting him in the water again for 10 minutes, but he was long gone...
I feel a need to comment on this. XD
I really like it, but it needs some work with grammar. I'm a grammar nazi and any grammar problems really distractr me from the story when I read. that, and the personality of the people / tones you used for it …
That's sad... when onew of my rats I got in '08 decided to give us babies one night ( we didn't even know she was pregnant... ) they all died within 8 hours... she seemed so upset, she wouldn't do much for the whole rest of that week and would just …
I hate it when people don't respond to you about the controversial stuff... It's like a big flag saying 'HEY, YOU'RE CRAZY, DUDE! GET MENTAL HELP!' or 'flick off weirdo!' .-.
Last year, I was having troubles falling asleep one night. The shadows were getting alot darker in one corner of the room then the other, and to me, taking the form of a cloaked figure. I was getting freaked out and panicky as it started to ge…
My first thought was Nail
It rhymes with Kale.
Or just Kale. I like Kale better. And it sounds more friendly than nail which is just cruel.
*doesn't know you*
Go ahead, shoot me.
Okay. I'm just so used to people saying 'A few drinks' and then coming back at 3 to 4:00 in the morning that that's usually what I think of and am reminded of when someone says that. Sorry. >.
I didn't know that, you didn't say that. Sorry If I did offend you, it wasn't a personal attack on you or anything.
The partying and going out drinking doesn't sound right if she just recovered, though. She should be resting if that was serious i…
I don't know, My Gary (who's two years old) is the most docile animal I've ever had. He's not neutered and hasn't had a litter in over a year.
Rats are different though, yeah? Rabbits are a lot more hormonal I think.
Sorry I have to stick my head…
I don't think animals/people really care how many babies they have if any at all if they're not in the wild or around any females regularly. Or so my dad says. My dad's weird... so.. don't believe meh!