thats not cool of your dad... at all. Crap like that isn't to be said about or to your child. I feel strongly ... because my dads girlfriend would do the same with my brother. Abusing him with names.. calling him fat all the time. He was 11!!! It pi…
ahh i have to comment on this one.. I know how you feel when it comes to stuff like that.. I have a best friend... who.. is better at a lot of stuff. I used to get mad about and search for flaws... but i relized she is my best friend and by doing s…
hmm. maybe set a limit. 3 changes. like a sponsor kennel. ?
idk. haha. it would be easier and.. harder .. once the last change has run out.
i guess haha. mainly easier. i'm pretty much for it.
wrong section? haha we'll... not really i mean it's a suggestion regarding the game ^.^ maybe your right... didn't think about the bloodlines and all that.
-_- geez lol
we'll i wouldn't know to much about reptiles. although i do have two desert tort. and.. there still hybernating. haha.
but, i can see your point. i know this is kinda but i had a male and female hampster who mated.. had twelve babies. out …
hahaha. in middle school i cared. Go out.. buy a shirt.. and then see someone else in it!??!! not the exact confidence boost i was looking for when i thought how cute my new T was. ^.^
but ya know what... those people ARN'T you! If you look great i…
you know what... Children can handle a lot more than you think. This is the most PG internet web I've seen.
I actually stop myself from saying "normal" things.
like damn. something as small as that lol. Yes there are "kids", but i can promise you…
we'll i can relate to the freinds part. specially in middle school. Kids can be imature.. to the extreme. I had to move a lot in school so freinds hardly stayed.
being broke sucks as well. Its something to learn from though. instead of getting dow…
we'll i have
and the graphics are decent, but i want to learn how to blend other pics in.
so it looks good.
paint can paste other pics on but it doesnt has that "square" look -_-
we'll honestly i need some cash to anyone who would like a banner. I'm working hard in anyway possible . including novice triaining.
so far no luck. still working on some good banners.
Hey Buffy, we'll to be honest.. Prices vary. Can't guarantee anything special lol
but if you let me know what you want (skip the form) maybe we can work something out :]