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  • The Twilight Movie was a disappointment to the book. They took out key parts and added parts that didn't need to be in there. Bella is more outgoing and speaks her mind in the book, while in the movie she is shy. I HATE the choice they have for J…
  • I did that last year. It's not hard. You are allowed 1 cup of rice and 1 cup of chicken broth. My suggestion, boil the rice in chicken brother and not water, tastes much better. I raised $377.15 last year, so I fed and vaccinated a family in Africa…
  • Reiny. :P
  • MAIN TEXT: Solar SUBTEXT: Twilight Freaks UNITE! FONT/THEME: Twilight themed(like, the Twilight font) COLOR(S): White text outlined in black 3D OR NO: No thank-you. PRICE: $50,000
    in close Comment by SolarEclipse March 2009
  • You could get anywhere from $100,000 to probably $2 million. If they are cheaper than $500,000 I'd like one lol
  • Tweaked by Katherine Holubitsky I'm going to try and read The Host by Stephenie Meyer, I heard it's really good.
  • Panda! Pepsi or Coke?
  • Shake Tramp - Marianas Trench
  • Thoughtless - Korn My turn! lol Your fingertips across my skin The palm trees swaying in the wind Images You sang me Spanish lullabies The sweetest sadness in your eyes Clever trick
  • Okay, I am sorry if I am being rude, but EMO is NOT a stereotype! Emo is a genre of music, short for EMOtional. Scene is the stereotype, and it bugs me to Hell that people always say EMO. I will say, I have the scene style, I hang out with Scene peo…
  • There once lived a snad old Tara who never danced with Ru, Horse, or Sandy. She was old, cranky, and senile but not ugly but also very green gills with eight cats that were yellow. Tara became unable to live with the eight felines. She put them in b…
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY I don't know you but have an awesome weekend!
  • Thank-you all. You have all been so welcoming. *passes around a jug of milk to wash down the cookies* Fuzwig, what do your layouts look like? And how much do they cost? lol
  • Ebony wrote: SolarEclipse wrote: Ebony wrote: Welcome! I joined not too long ago as well... I came from VHR to try the puppy version, and now I play both! (But I'm on the VP forums more than teh VHR forums.) I know, graphics are pricy, but I…
  • Ebony wrote: Welcome! I joined not too long ago as well... I came from VHR to try the puppy version, and now I play both! (But I'm on the VP forums more than teh VHR forums.) I know, graphics are pricy, but I make my own, so I'm on the recieving…
  • I love your banner Sunny It's cute.
  • Sybhat3 wrote: Hiya, Im Cybe :] may I have the honor of being your 3rd friend? I would offer to help but I don't play the game much. Im more of a forum/chat person. Welcome to Vp ^.^ Feel free to give me a nickname, if you like. Everyone else doe…
  • Haha that's funny XD
  • Oh true. So true, got in trouble for it too. TPBM just started VP today and has no clue what to do.