What Type of Drawing: Group Drawing
What Type of Animal or Breed: Am.bulldog(sitting) Rottweiler(lying down) and a Cane corso(standing)
Colour: Am.bulldog - Normal - white with brown spots
Rottweiler - Normal - black and tan
Cane Corso - Norma…
yer i would really like a pic with one Am. bulldog, Rottweiler and a Cane Corso
as a group like one lieing down infront then one sitting then one standing i will pay around 4 mill for it if youd like maybe more if i really really like it
im not sure if i like money idea but i do think thatpeople should have something to work for but then it dosnt need to be training imports or money due to that fact then how would you make money?
Rage wrote:
American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier (also called Pit Bull), or American Bulldogs (called Pit Bull to the untrained eye).
there 3 different breeds arnt they ? :? not a pit bull
and im not going to try and star…