-Uhg- I'll join the other Brits in moaning about the heat. I prefer it to the storms we had a few weeks back.. But it's so horribly hot. We don't have a freezer, so there's no ice, and I can't have the hosepipe on because of the ban xD What I hate i…
Yes, I'm afraid that my internet was horribly killed. Wild weather cause power surges which fused the router, but that's hopefully all fixed now
As for a full event, I'm not sure that it's perhaps necessary - events can still run without the full …
Cherokeezbaby wrote:
I was wondering if you were doing one contest with all of the pictures or separating them; one for hand drawn and one for computer made?
It will be one contest for all, although will be rather a lot on creativity rather th…
Rumour Has It - Adele
.. Gotta say, bobcat, from an earlier post of yours - AWOLNATION
'I was just guessing at numbers and figures,
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress,
Do not speak as loud as my heart.
Tell me …
Events are going to be pushed back again, as only about half the tributes are ready to compete. Main post has been updated with tributes; ready dogs are in green, ones that need to be trained are in red. Any additional problems are said next to the …
Sorry for the lack of contact - my internet's been horribly temperamental.
Events will now be delayed until Sunday 22nd April. People may still enter up until that time, in the hope to fill remaining spaces, but they will not have an extension of …
Thank you to all entries so far
The main post has been updated with accepted tributes - these dogs are allowed to be trained now. The deadline for new entries has been set for Wednesday 11th April. Events are hoped to start on Sunday 15th April, a…
Tributes updated ^.^
Emmezoe - added a new rule under the tribute section to answer your question.
SimStar - thank you very much for the prize donations!
:arrow: Sorry for the delay, but I've had absolutely no time recently for current orders.
Zenyatta & alliemac - please let me know if you still want your orders to be made. Hopefully, I can get on the asap ^.^
I can't make you a layout, but I'll give you 400k to pay for one? However, I'd be willing to make you some graphics for it; PM me!
I wish for some grooming years on already stat-maxxed dogs
Congratulations, Tiger! I'd love to see a picture - it sounds beautiful!
On another note, it's been snowing fairly fairly heavily here (well, heavy by UK standards xD) but all the roads have turned slushy and icy Getting out tomorrow is going to …