Sorry about the wait. ._.
First place:
jr. terriers!
Thanks to all who entered, everyone who didn't place can send negative contracts for 200k
All contracts to Lixorsa please!
Oh, and Coaster Cannons, you can still send a…
FIRST PLACE: Mossflower -- 5 milly; 3 trainings
SECOND PLACE: lolo -- 3.3 milly; 2 trainings
THIRD PLACE: samoyeds_rock -- 1.5 milly; 1 training
:D Congrats to all winners!
Send neggy contracts to Lixorsa and trainings to Snadtas…
Yeah, we have problems like that at my school too.
Are you not allowed to bring locks for those lockers?
Oh.. this is Hose-Frog-Pickle by the way.. >.>
Too lazy to switch accounts. xD
Top Three Favorite Colors: I have a few.. purple, orange, lime green, black
Top Three Favorite Breeds: Samoyeds, Huskies, German Shepherd
Top Three Favorite VP Artists: Evlon, Tasha, Mossflower
Top Three Favorite VP Banner…
FINALLY ended it.
I'm such a procrastinator xDD
As soon as me, Liz, and Sandy are all on at the same time we will choose our winners.
I know there are lots of entries and only 4 prizes, and I'd hate for so many people to go to so much work a…
In-Game Name. Three Fates
Forum Nameloveandpace
Kennel Link http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=vpKennel/view&id=147407
What Type of Training Will You Do? Any kind
Anything You Won't Do? uh nah I will do anything
In-Game Name. nosh…
Um Dusty.. bricks over my head are not good. o.o
Sane?! PSH.
Well then.. >.>
I'm Horse.
No, the Hose in my name was not a typo... I'm just SNAD like that ^^
You've met the creator All hale her. xD This snad thing has spread more …
@ Chimes, Thank you! ;D
@ Nickel, Will tell Snadeh when I see her, or Horse or Lixxy or Evy or Zoe can tell her. xDD
Its a 280/200 no aggro + groom till 10, and I added your name. :]
@ Tiffer, please wait for those people to get on.
@ Chimes, updated points and list, thanks :]
-Psst!- You can train some of Bluey's pups >D
[Tis Bluey by the way. xD]