Comment on the whole "beep" thing- I have the same thing on my computer. It beeps because it is telling you it froze, if you wait a few minutes it will go back to working.
I hate my computer too... It is not even 2 years old and it wont charge anym…
okay, so here is the banner, it will line up with the layout too
here is the layout, but its a screenshot, when you go over the links they turn to neon green (I had to get more neon green in )
hope you like it! let me know if anything should…
Here is the picture so far, I still have to clean up the lines a bit and color it in, but tell me what you think about it and I can change anything that is wrong, or that you don't like.
may enter but my lineart is horrific. Ill have to try very hard!
my raven wings are coming along horribly!!
i think i got the head and face down though!
You are not being selfish. If you really feel you are, then tell your friend that if he asks her out then she should say yes too (if it doesnt kill you haha).
Me and my friend like the same guy and I want so badly for him to ask me out :?