I think Buffy means 'Koi'. ;]
Yet, I doubt it is a Koi, because it's not even healthy for a baby Koi to be in a 10 gal tank. =\ They are also pond fish.
If the person said it can't be with other fish, I'm not sure it would be a catfish. They are p…
Hehe. Great gifts so far.
I didn't get anything. =D Not a family/people person. Not much family around anyways. And I'm getting a bit old for it.
/Waits to see other peoples gifts. =D
Sorry to bring a dying post alive agian, but...
=D I'm so glad to see everyone. I sure hope once a few things calm down here I can try getting back 100%. But something has changed that is now taking up a lot of my time.
Great to see you all again.
As long as the picture wasn't copywritten (Pictures from sites like corbis.com are allll free) you should be fine. But if you got the picture from google, it's a 90% chance it's copywritten.
Nice job though.
Golden Agression was impossible to me. XD Got so angry I started linebreeding, then quit. XD
I agree. No way a Golden can get 4 stars in agression with 250.
Chibi wrote:
This argument is getting tired.
Trying to tell the GD lovers why it is a bad thing is like trying to teach Homer Simpson nuclear physics. Even though he works in the plant he can't grasp the simple concept of why it's big, bad, dang…
MinneapolisTheNorthwest wrote:
I do not understand why you are complaining about this.
The people that arent' really for this, aren't on the forums in the first place.
Min, I'm for the whole getting rid of it/setting limits, and I'm very act…
To be honest, I'd like to see it go...
Those 'games' are rather annoying, and most of the time people just spam. This way, without it, less spam to deal with.
Erica wrote:
XD *pats head* ... *patpats Koshi* 'tis okay
I have a good memory so it wouldn't really affect me.
But I can see why you'd want it :]
lol I could live with or without it. I always delete messages people send me, (or just ignore th…
Haha. I plan on blowing my money on it someday. I can't get enough of it. But I hate when you think everything's going good, than BOOM.
Hmm... *Looks at Ebay*
Squall wrote:
OR try to play something like World of Warcraft where it takes you 4-6 months of playing 6-8 hours a DAY to 'train' to the top.
Oh geeze. That thing really gets on my nerves. XD
Well, I'd say it'd be nice, but I don't think it sh…