Weatherbeaten w/ Pirate Hat
Matted Black Fur w/ Skull & Crossbones
Davy Jones
The Flying Dutchman
Suntanned w/ Red Bandana & Gold Earring
Pirate w/ Sly Grin
ehh i'll come up with more.
Player Name (In game) - nix II
Have you ever scammed a player before? - nopee.
Have you ever got scammed before? - nopeee.
How long have you been on VP -since late 2005, early 2006 ish
Why should you have the upgrade? - well, i've been off and on …
BabyBean13 wrote:
Eh..those of course are like all my best ones. At this point, there's really only two Greys I know I'd be willing to sell (not listed).
well i'm willing to pay up to 2 mill for one of the greys. what about the ones that aren't…
Finny wrote:
Okay: the text is perfect, but I'm not sure I like the dog or where it is put, or the black and white background. If you could find a different dog, and have the background in color, it would be fantastic. I'll definitely pay extra fo…