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  • Chibi Werewolf wrote: rohesia wrote: aww how adorable! you may want to check your zoning and find out if you need permits to keep a pig though :] gahh I want a piggy now! seven hundred quid is a bit much though... Yeah, thats what I thought. …
  • aww how adorable! you may want to check your zoning and find out if you need permits to keep a pig though :] gahh I want a piggy now! seven hundred quid is a bit much though...
  • I would have to say its not a good idea. if other sites wont let you post personal pictures of yourself in your signature or otherwise, why would it be allowed here? Either way, you or your sister ought to check with an OP
  • woodpecker wrote: Garfieldz Gal wrote: o_O What's that? xD zmongdhghd xD yuz dont know what AVATAR is!?!?! Its been so well publicised over here xD & there was a thread on it awhile back. Basically there was a cartoon series, about an 'ai…
  • I'm gonna say go with Photoshop. I use CS2 and it certainly hasn't let me down ^^
  • Alf!! I remember him! from the beginning of the era of POGS and Crazy Bones... good times. anyone else miss the early 90's?
  • rats cant use water bowls, get a rodent water bottle :] oh, and, I noticed wheel comments and I reiterate, it absolutely must be a wheel larger than a hamster or mouse one, as those hurt their backs ^^ other than that, have fun with your rattie
  • So, after David and I came back from me mate's wedding, we went to my mum's, where the large majority of my family were gathered, save me dad and his family, which I'm driving up to Leeds to see on Sunday. So yeah, Evidently, when you move out, you…
  • lol London's no fun, they're all either knobbish west London posh people, or are cockney... though there's nothing wrong with eastenders. who cares if its bloody difficult to understand them lol. ANYWAY. There are far nicer, LESS EXPENSIVE places to…
  • humm. well, my family (meaning me brothers, mum, and her beau) only have two traditions, I'm fairly sure. The first of which is opening one present on christmas eve, which is almost always a pair of pyjamas (one year it was a book of dog breeds, but…
  • 8 for the lyrics choice lol *gestures to my own sig* white christmas ftw. and then I'll add another two points cos its simple, clean, and well done. so, 10 :]
  • hehehe woo snow mushrooms! I still havent made my snow dalek, but I did an alright snow TARDIS. omg I am so looking forward... and dreading, The End of Time pt 1 >.< doctor went a little mad with power in Waters of Mars yeah?
  • silver bells- bing crosby what's your favourite thing about the holiday season?
  • tis fab how everyone returns for the holidays ^^ how faireth thou?
  • woodpecker wrote: rohesia wrote: I was wrong! it's snowed, amazingly :] quite a bit, to! woooo! Haha xD Where abouts in the country are you? Where we are, we have just got a dusting in the last few hours xD although, heavy snow is expected …
  • I was wrong! it's snowed, amazingly :] quite a bit, to! woooo!
  • yeah, I dont play the game so, I can't order one, but I just wanted to say how absolutely fab that tiger is!
  • rats are best kept with two or more, as they are social creatures. Also, you will need a special rat cage, and rat wheel, because mouse, hamster, gerbil, etc cages are too small, and the mouse, hamster, gerbil, etc wheels hurt rats, again, because t…
  • Mia, I'm closed for the moment, but if I decide to open at some point between now and new years' I shall add your order to the pile.
  • oh dear, I meant nothing like that, I'm just saying its one of the lower quality image editors, especially when a bunch of effects and stamps are just vomited onto the photo one is editing, with mad exposure or contrast tweaks. GIMP is actually quit…
  • urgh. to put it bluntly, piknik is like photobucket, and no, GIMP has far more capabilities. GIMP, if used properly, can be absolutely phenomenal. Look for Argonautica's works, and you'll see exactly what I mean, as, everything she makes is made wit…
  • You Are Loved- Josh Groban
  • lol yes, was definately joking. meant to put quotes around rare, though I must have decided not to, in my cocktail induced haze :P yech though! salt and vinegar ftl!
    in eew? Comment by rohesia December 2009
  • I assume your talking about crisps? anyway. urgh it is painful to eat those things rare as that flavour are to find here, I dont find myself keeping an eye out hehehe
    in eew? Comment by rohesia December 2009
  • grass snake :]
  • My Secret Friend- IAMX feat. Imogen Heap
  • Damnit, Janet- Rocky Horror Picture Show where's your favourite place to vacation?
  • CoasterCannons wrote: holy cow rohesia!!! eh...-scans iTunes- 498 on ipod 539 on itunes I live for me music, love. Oddly enough, I havent even got doubles anymore, else I'd have like, in the 50000's. What's more, I am amazing enough to have le…
  • vino and some rubbish chips that the boyfriend decided to bung in dee's oven :P all in all, has been a good night ... better than eating down the pub anyway! and cheaper..