If you super groom it rises high than RH once you hit 200 agro I picked up on, I guess its the normal from others not liking high agro? Sucks means my doberman line is not going to get what i wanted it to.
No it hasn't,
Iv only had pop up
15 Apr 2016, 4:22 SV Edward Scissorhands was transfered from The Art of Racing in the Rain. to Trade Mark Kennels. 15 Apr 2016, 4:21 unnamed was transfered from Trade Mark Kennels. to Trade Mark Kennels . 12 Apr 201…
Ahhhh, till training is fixed nd back to taking 10mins a dog I'm on coming on once in a blue moon, not enjoying it taking almost an hr due to speed loading of these pages like really I found the old game faster, even with its slow lagging times.
Have nothing there could that mean dogs where taking out of boaring kennel? just asking because I don't want to find out some how I sold a dog I didn't know about
Training is werid for me, you used to only be albe to super groom once endy was at 120+ but now you can do it lower I believe, due to the energy bar not dropping much, I can do like 4-5 RH when you use to only be able to do 1-3 depending on dogs ene…
I think they must have popped out of the boarding kennels than, how do you find your dogs once put in a boarding kennel? and also how do you unboard them?
GRs are nuts, you can look at my lot, I'v done way over 250 Imports, clean lines up to like Gen6 or 8 than inbred a few as I couldn't take it anymore, I'm too scared to breed my highest stat Hyper GRs just to loose them and the hyper to drop on the …
My accounts are old so not happy with some of the names lol,
Tbone was a Dog we had my brother named, JR cross Corgi.
Alan Wake, a Game I really liked the story to.
FlyTM, well I was known as Fly by most people on here and TM came a thing with a f…
Is that training GSD for other people or you training/showing/breeding them yourself? just interested as I really want to get into something with dogs myself, even though I missed out on the dog course I was going to do due to money reasons.