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  • ahhh lol
  • No Why? did someone already get them? lol Hyper & aggro are being pains
  • No there isnt. Thats why Im trying to improve it for the sponsers on VP including myself.
  • I really agree with Dee on this one. Although Brun's idea of saying: This Cross breeds a Mutt Is an excellent idea. Just my opinion.
    in Mutts Comment by MaJiK April 2006
  • True.. But for the popular breeds like: Golden Retrievers Labs Chihuahuas Dalmations it would be perfect! Even 3+ points majors would even be great! Say that I have 50 dogs of the same breed. I enter all of them and whalaah! A breed speciality! …
  • I believe with this situation I think there should not be a limit seeing as this is a Virtual Dog Game. But I love VP and truly hate seeing novices & some sponsers (Not All Novices & Sponsers) breeding poorly and saying their dogs are "The B…
    in Read Inside Comment by MaJiK March 2006
  • Yes I agree with Dee... I wouldnt mind this :P
    in CLOCK!!! Comment by MaJiK February 2006
  • Thats a Great Idea! I have 400+ fame points laying in my main kennel and need it in my future breeding kennel... This MUST happen Which I hope it does
  • Yes Only rough & smooth collies
  • okay thanks I think I am going to do it & keep it just collies. & great stephanie I am up to 5x4s. (just got back into collies) But if either of you are willing to offer some services it would be most appreciated
  • I say NO to this idea. I worked hard to get the money that I payed for sponsers on VHR & on VP. I think it would be very unfair to the sponsers who payed for their time on VP & the novices (not pointing this at anyone) breed and age dogs &am…
  • is was worth a shot ay? Ah well here are some services I can offer: Personals Pics & banners Training dogs Rescuing dogs Making a Prestige Club Thats all I think But if ya need any of them just tell me
  • I love the idea. I do have 3 sponser kennels if I can help. As applying for positions I want a powerful spot :twisted: I can also train a few I guess
  • I am sorry to say we had to give up. There is not enough interest in this club so i thank you all for you interest but sorry it hasnt succeeded
    in New Club Comment by MaJiK December 2005
  • I think its a great idea my aussie stud was just abused some how because of some novices. They bred him 4 times with a different breed. I would love to see this idea come to life.... I support it.