This band is super random, but I -love- The Fratellis. I love rebellious Scottish rock. haha
Also The Script and The Kooks. I will think of more later. is pretty great. I'd also try finding your local MLS website, those usually have all the homes for rent/sale that agencies have on the market. Good luck!
I've owned 3 Boxers. My baby Belle is impossible to train sometimes as well. I've learned the best way to train her is to praise the heck out of her. Boxers are usually huuuuuugggeee attention hogs, and if you use that to your advantage it'll be a s…
Mysterous Love wrote:
Reeds_Girl_41 wrote:
Mysterous Love wrote:
xD Ohhhh and also the tv show Rookie Blue, anyone else watch this?
Anyways, anyone else have small obsessions?
^^^ Rookie Blue. Haha
Lol! Whos your favorite character?
I k…
Mysterous Love wrote:
xD Ohhhh and also the tv show Rookie Blue, anyone else watch this?
Anyways, anyone else have small obsessions?
^^^ Rookie Blue. Haha
Text- *BCR* Rodney
Text Colors- Whatever looks nice
(Optional)Sub Text- The Original TWC
(Optional) Sub Text Color- whatever
type of dog or link to pic if you want a certain one- Treeing Walker Coonhound
Thank you! =]
I understand your frustration. Those signs are there for a reason. That poor baby has a long road to recovery ahead of him and he needs a stable environment, it's a very serious thing. People should respect that.
Okay, i'm back! Thank you so much for the reserve. =]
Type of Graphic: Forum banner
Size: 400x150
Banner Colours: Neon Rainbow
Pictures: Treeing Walker Coonhounds. English Pointer and Boxer maybe?
Text: Nashvegas Kennels
Subtext: Don't Mess With Th…